Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, Aug 8, 2014
Call Details
Meeting URL: http://fuze.me/24048131
Meeting Number: 24048131
Toll / Intl #: N/A
Toll-Free #: N/A
Call Administrivia
10:00 Central US / 11:00 Eastern US / 16:00 UK
Next call is next Friday. Any reason not to meet ?
60 to 90 minute call window.
- Info: Russ Allbery moving on, won't be doing Debian/Ubuntu packaging any more.
- Sorting out logging dependencies redux: https://issues.shibboleth.net/jira/browse/JPAR-57
- Proposal:
- logback-classic and the slf4j bridges become managed "runtime" dependencies
- logback-classic included globally as a "test" dependency
- Either:
- slf4j bridges not included as dependencies by default, included in appropriate intermediate projects as "test" dependencies as required to make tests work (slightly cleaner, more work), or
- slf4j bridges included as test dependencies by default (less work, probably preferred)
- logback-classic and appropriate bridges included in product bundle projects as "runtime" dependencies
- Benefits:
- cleaner
mvn dependency:analyze
output (not completely clean, I was wrong about that) - opensaml and other libraries can be used in non-logback environments outside the Shibboleth projects
- cleaner
- This is not quite what I put in e-mail.
- I've tried this on some projects, seems to work out OK.
- Proposal:
- Continue back-fill on bug fixing and work items
- Kaspar bugs
- Remove defaults from parsers (ongoing)
- Safety against property replacement
- Scripted DataConnector
- FileBackedHttpResource
- Rhino-nonjdk (for Java 6 and up)
- QuickInstaller prep for 2.4.1 (new Tomcat)
- Discussion
- SetID and so forth
- Refresh Actions - wiring them in
- Process for creating release notes
- Outstanding
- "Velocity" context
- Trim AttributeValues (for Attribute Quiery)
- Windows Installer
- Javadoc warning pass
- Config pass, made some changes to a few properties
- Started on audit log design (IDP-375)
- Updated cert generation to work with BC 1.51 and avoid deprecated classes and backported change to ant-extensions
- Ready to tag as 1.1
- Worked on SP package set for CentOS 7, RH7 still broken
Switch to OSU Lync number for conferences (has dialup)?
Would like to talk through ToU/Consent, rough notes : uApproveNotes
, multiple selections available,