Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, May 02, 2014
Call Details
Meeting URL: http://fuze.me/24048131
Meeting Number: 24048131
Toll / Intl #: N/A
Toll-Free #: N/A
Call Administrivia
10:00 Central US / 11:00 Eastern US / 16:00 UK
Next call is next Friday. Any reason not to meet ?
60 to 90 minute call window.
Ongoing config parsing.
- Approaching completion of the ProfileConfiguration
- Bean injection issues
- When it is complete, should I move the saml specific parsing to idp-saml-spring? Is this possible?
- Issues around what an inline certificate means.
Still needed
- Wire the real RP resolver into the configuration.
- The Liberty SSOS profile (are there any others I have missed?)
- Allowing the parsing a file which only contains a <MetadataProvider>
- More Trust engine parsers are required
- Code cleanup to centralize <Credential> parsing
- Code cleanup to rely more heavily on Cryptacular (as per discussions in previous team meetings)
- Code coverage in the parsers.
- Refactored flows to eliminate "proceed" transitions and combine action-states
- Refactored beans common to profiles into one file for each SAML version
- Implemented artifact resolution flows for both SAML versions, testing TBD
- Refactored NameID generation actions and plugins to allow making that a service and reloadable, config is TBD, but easy to finish
- IDP-397 java-idp-integration tests
- Use OOB property replacement support rather than Maven filtering :
- Spring "nested" properties in idp.properties: idp.war.path = ${idp.home}/war/idp.war
Logback "variable" substitution with default value, e.g. : <File>${idp.home:-.}/logs/idp-process.log</File>
Start Jetty via Spring to take advantage of nested property support, which Jetty itself does not have, AFAICT.
Requires 'idp.home' system property.
- Use OOB property replacement support rather than Maven filtering :
- OSJ-55 & INFRA-99 Upload and validate third-party dependencies to Nexus
- Jenkins
- java-idp-testbed-nightly-endorsed
- java-idp-testbed-nightly-central-disabled
- java-metadata-aggregator-nightly-central-disabled
- JSE-6 Moved IdentifiableBeanPostProcessor
- IDP-352 SWF 2.4.0 and flow-location-pattern
- Testbed flow test cleanup, removed test "artifacts" (dev profile, output attribute mapping) from Spring wiring
, multiple selections available,