Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, Apr 18, 2014
Call Details
Meeting URL: http://fuze.me/24048131
Meeting Number: 24048131
Toll / Intl #: N/A
Toll-Free #: N/A
Attendees: Brent, Daniel, Ian, Rod, Scott, Tom
Call Administrivia
10:00 Central US / 11:00 Eastern US / 16:00 UK
Next call is next Friday. Any reason not to meet ?
60 to 90 minute call window.
- Parsing Security. Metadata parsing complete. I'll see about building the RP service and Metadata service next
- Issues - arising from offline discussions with Brent
- Use of Cryptacular and EOL of support code
- Centralized KeyInfoProviders
- Documentation.
- A lot of this configuration has no documentation on the wiki.
- We are making changes
- Now feels like a better time to get this documented than later?
- Package renaming for impl-related code
- one diff is OpenSAML uses "common" convention for cross-version code, IdP doesn't have as much of that so I didn't copy that
- Refactored to remove ProfileException and sync up MessageHandler and ProfileAction
- Would still advocate we look at removing ID requirement from these
- Progress on general error handling
- end-state maps to a view to end flows, can't populate data into view-scope, used request scope
- catch-all error handling at the MVC layer also "works" at initial glance
- raised MessageHandler issue on list, tentatively planning to convert profile-specific chains into subflows
- Java 8 XML parser settings issue, semi-resolved by using LSResourceResolver as our maginot line
- think we should move AuthnContext schemas to an add-on to default schema build, not used by metadata validation
- OSJ-69 Remove OWASP ESAPI from stack
- Request review of HTMLEncoder
- INFRA-99 How to upload validated artifacts to Nexus
- Request review of DRAFT instructions
- Next : Commit simple Selenium tests in prep for uApprove v3
- Outage
- Infra upgrades ... Sunday night ?
- Talk about Spring Boot co-ord with AMAAIS ?
- Ian
- Should I still add SVNKit dependency to Nexus once the procedure is acceptable ?
- Did you have a chance to test SWF 2.4.0RC1 ? (assume not due to Heartbleed)