

Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, 19th December 2014

Call Administrivia

10:00 Central US / 11:00 Eastern US / 16:00 UK

Normal schedule is to skip next Friday as it's the last Friday of the year. Do we need a meeting on the second?

60 to 90 minute call window.

Call Details

This week's call will use the Lync system at OSU. To participate, call:

  • +1 (614) 688-1800 (please use if possible)
  • +1 (800) 678-6114 (use only if you're charged for the 614 number)

The Conference ID is: 738127#

International participants should be able to access the 800 number without charge through Skype.









Copyright headers



Reviewing installation instructions and working through updating our v3 test instance accordingly. Generally the install process is well thought out and works well; docs were helpful.

AI: (1) Create index.jsp that displays "No services here" message to prevent directory listing. (2) Review ant-based scripts and customization.


Deathmarch,  SIDP-624



Final config cleanup (final chance, anything in user-land is there for life)

  • Completed a summary/manifest, see ConfigurationFileSummary
  • Collapsed out security.xml file, seemed gratuitous, moved the whitelist/blacklists to global.xml
  • Reorg'd consent config, added properties, avoided use of master intercept config for consent settings
  • Collapsed some consent auditing to rely on a single formatting string so field count is consistent
  • New default attribute-resolver and attribute-filter, added separate LDAP example resolver file
    • defaults to uid, mail, eppn (with some explanatory comments) + scoped affiliation
    • final?
    • should we enable an email-valued NameID generator by default?
  • Defaulted as many properties as possible to reduce accidental errors


  • Added a LoggingService to make non-logback use possible, maybe
  • Added a maxHistory setting on logs, and adjusted defaults to match SP (INFO)
  • Defaults ok?


  • Board call
    • They propose we announce V3 with a statement that final decision on V2 EOL will be by end of Q1
    • Should we include an outline of plans for follow-on releases, or will that just lead to ignoring this one?
  • Contacted about a new product, a GUI built on v2


  • IDP-511 and IDP-499
  • Decide on IDP-478 and IDP-473 today




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