Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, Feb 14, 2014
Call Details
Meeting URL: http://fuze.me/23252471
Toll / Intl #: +1 (201) 479-4595
Toll-Free #: N/A
Meeting Number: 23252471
Call Administrivia
10:00 Central US / 11:00 Eastern US / 16:00 UK
Dial-in attendee identification.
Next call is next Friday. Any reason not to meet ?
60 to 90 minute call window.
- Lukas's question about OpenSUSE 11.x
- Working with Scott on C14N flows. I think we are there.
- Looking at attribute-cli. Might we move this to idp-testbed (where all the useful helper functions are)?
- I'm not convinced that the p:id='foo' id='foo' stuff is correct.
- Upgraded wiki, fixed SSO plugin (unclear to me how rebuilding can fix a ClassNotFound error on an import that's still in the code)
- Did most of the schema realignment for what we've moved so far (noted webflow schema issue on list)
- Will complete a catalog file for Eclipse and upload that to wiki for easy access, otherwise editing XML is PAINFUL now
- Think EndpointResolver to replace EndpointSelector is finished, working on unit tests, then need to do profile actions that use it to populate outgoing contexts
- Added a form on web site to collect agreement to list our users on a new web page, have about 45+ so far
- Confirmed with Kevin that BOF at TNC does not require TNC registration
- IDP-368 Default the ID of an IdentifiableComponent to the Spring bean name
- IDP-369 Ensure that prototype beans are scoped properly
- JPAR-40 Do not use Maven central when performing a release via Maven
- Change Maven checksum policy
, multiple selections available,