X.509 Login Handler

The Shibboleth V2 IdP and SP software have reached End of Life and are no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only. See the IDP v4 and SP v3 wiki spaces for current documentation on the supported versions.

X.509 Login Handler

  • The x509-login-handler provides an X.509 user certificate login (authentication) using SSL client authentication by the certificate within a users web browser.
  • The x509-login-handler can be used as an alternative to or in conjuction with the UsernamePasswordLoginHandler.
  • The x509-login-handler implements an authentication handler for the Shibboleth IdP, propagates the subject to the IdP and set the authentication context class "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:X509".

Installation and configuration


Either download the latest release of the X.509 login handler for Shibboleth from the project site:


or alternatively, get the latest source code from trunk:

Get latest code from trunk
svn export https://subversion.switch.ch/svn/general/aai/java-idp-x509-login-handler/trunk/ java-idp-x509-login-handler
cd java-idp-x509-login-handler
mvn package


Locate the x509-login-handler JAR file and copy it to the library directory of the Shibboleth Identity Provider installation directory.

 cp x509-login-handler-X.Y.Z.jar $IDP_INSTALL_DIR/lib


Login pages

You will want to edit the login pages for the X.509 login. It is also possible to add an X.509 login button on the Username/Password login page.

Certificate only login

Certificate login included in UsernamePassword login page

  • You can use java-idp-x509-login-handler/examples/login.jsp as an example.
  • Adjust the form action URLs.
  • Place it in the Identity Provider webapp directory $IDP_INSTALL_DIR/src/main/webapp/ (Backup your orginal login.jsp before this step!)

Caution: This may result in unexpected behaviour of the IdP from the perspective of the SP if it specifically required username/password authentication method and the user logs in with x509 authentication method.

Web application

Enable the the X.509 login servlets in $IDP_INSTALL_DIR/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml:

    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- X509 login handler -->




    <!-- x509 login page -->

    <!-- ... -->

Apache configuration

<Location /idp/Authn/X509/Login>
    SSLCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/client-authn.crt
    SSLVerifyClient require
    SSLVerifyDepth 5
    SSLOptions -StdEnvVars +ExportCertData
    SSLRequire ( %{SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_CN} eq "Example Organization Personal CA" and \
                 %{SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_O} eq "Example Organization" and \
                 %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email} =~  m/^.+@example\.org$/ )

Handler configuration

In $IDP_CONFIG_DIR/handler.xml, add the xsd schema in the <ProfileHandlerGroup> and the login handler:

<ProfileHandlerGroup xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:idp:profile-handler" xmlns:x509="http://www.switch.ch/aai/idp/x509"
                           http://www.switch.ch/aai/idp/x509 classpath:/schema/x509-login-handler.xsd">
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- Login Handlers -->
    <!-- X509 Login Handler -->
    <!-- configuration attributes: -->
    <!-- loginPageURL (required): URL of JSP page with login form -->
    <!-- authenticationServletURL (required): Client AuthN protected page -->
    <!-- cookieDomain (optional): set domain of login context cookie for -->
    <!--     spefic environments, e.g. if authenticationServlet runs under -->
    <!--     a different domain name than the IdP -->
    <LoginHandler xsi:type="x509:X509"
    <!-- ... -->

Attribute resolver configuration

In $IDP_CONFIG_DIR/attribute-resolver.xml:

  • add new attribute definitions to extract the principal from the certificate
  • add dependency on the attributes and filter in data connector
    <!-- Provides the subjectDN from the certificate as attribute -->
    <resolver:AttributeDefinition xsi:type="Script"

            x500Principal = new BasicAttribute("x500Principal");
            subject = requestContext.getUserSession().getSubject();
            if (subject != null) {


    <!-- Provides the subjectAltNames of type rfc822Name from the certificate as attribute -->
    <resolver:AttributeDefinition xsi:type="Script"

            x500SubjectAltNameEMailPrincipal = new BasicAttribute("x500SubjectAltNameEMailPrincipal");
            subject = requestContext.getUserSession().getSubject();
            if (subject != null) {



    <resolver:DataConnector id="myLDAP" xsi:type="LDAPDirectory" ... >
      <resolver:Dependency ref="x500Principal" />
      <resolver:Dependency ref="x500SubjectAltNameEMailPrincipal" />
        <!-- Example for using X.509 in conjuntion with UsernamePassword Login Handler
             Using CN or one of the provided E-Mail addresses -->
            #if( !$x500Principal.Empty )
                #set( $dn = $x500Principal.get(0).name.split(",") )
                #foreach( $item in $dn )
                    #if( $item.startsWith("CN=") )
                        #set( $cn = $item.substring(3) )

                (| #foreach($mail in $x500SubjectAltNameEMailPrincipal) (mail=$mail) #end #if($cn) (cn=$cn) #end)




Logging configuration

In $IDP_CONFIG_DIR/logging.xml, add logging configuration for the x509 login handler:

<!-- ... -->
<!-- Logs X.509 LoginHandler messages -->
<logger name="ch.SWITCH.aai.idp.x509">
    <level value="WARN"/>
<!-- ... -->


Backup your IdP configuration before re-deploying the IdP web app


Bugs & Comments

Please reports bugs on the X.509 login handler issue tracker or send comments to aai@switch.ch.