

Current File(s): conf/oidc.properties, conf/authn/oauth2client-authn-config.xml
Format: Native Spring


The authn/OAuth2Client login flow supports an extensible set of back-ends and is designed to handle all of the supported OAuth client authentication types.

Like the IdP itself, this flow supports the CredentialValidator interface and the chaining of CredentialValidator plugins in arbitrary sequences.

General Configuration

Most features of this flow can be configured with conf/oidc.properties. Some advanced features require Spring configuration, and the file conf/authn/oauth2client-authn-config.xml will be imported if it is created and populated, and supports definitions of beans into the proper Spring flow context. It is analagous to conf/authn/password-authn-config.xml from the IdP proper.

All of the CredentialValidator types supported by the IdP are supported here (the links here are to the implementation class' Javadoc rather than the IdP documentation). There are two additional validators provided and wired in as the default configuration to provide backward compatibility supporting both client secrets resolved from metadata and signed JWT authentication. The compatibility validators generally don’t require any special configuration. The main reason for customizing the chain of validators is to add validation of client secrets against other back-ends (e.g., using LDAP to validate “service accounts” issued to clients).

With the exception of LDAP, the other beans above are not pre-configured with special beans or properties to control their behavior as they are in the IdP’s own configuration. As a result you would need to directly inherit from and confgure these beans appropriately to use them.

In the case of LDAP, a default shibboleth.LDAPAuthenticationFactory bean is installed as in the Password flow, and supports a similar set of properties as documented on the LDAPAuthnConfguration page, but apart from the pooling properties that are reused from the original configuration, the others are renamed to insert “OAuth2Client” into the property names to enable separation of the search location and any other settings that need to be unique. For example, the documented property named “idp.authn.LDAP.ldapURL” is named “idp.authn.OAuth2Client.LDAP.ldapURL” for this use case.

Aside from the more specific back-end configurations, there are beans and properties defined for some general configuration independent of the back-end chosen. They are all listed in the reference section below.

The most important bean is shibboleth.authn.OAuth2Client.Validators, a List of CredentialValidator plugins that should be used to perform the authentication processing.

A property named idp.authn.OAuth2Client.requireAll controls whether the credentials must be validated successfully by all applicable plugins in the list, or just one.

Combining plugins tends to be more complex but the default, requiring only a single valid result, is fairly simple to deal with. One obvious issue is that you should make sure to set the property named idp.authn.OAuth2Client.removeAfterValidation to false if you apply the "require all" mode to prevent the client information from being pulled mid-request.

Basic Features

There are parent beans defined for each back-end plugin supported to allow easy incorporation of the default configured behavior into the chain of validators.

For example, this syntax defines a single LDAP validator that uses settings defined in a manner consistent with older versions of the software. The parent bean is used "as is" with no changes, and most of the confguration would be handled via properties (using the renamed versions noted above).

<util:list id="shibboleth.authn.OAuth2Client.Validators"> <ref bean="shibboleth.LDAPValidator" /> </util:list>

This syntax in contrast adds support for LDAP alongside the original two built-in options so they remain supported for some clients:

<util:list id="shibboleth.authn.OAuth2Client.Validators"> <ref bean="shibboleth.OIDCClientInfoValidator" /> <ref bean="shibboleth.JWTValidator" /> <ref bean="shibboleth.LDAPValidator" /> </util:list>

As with user authentication, it is possible to apply normalization or matching rules to the “client_id” supplied by the OAuth client. From an OAuth perspective, the client_id is still officially whatever the client uses, but this can be separated from the manner in which authentication happens, on a per-validator basis.

Unlike with user authentication, there are no global transform or matching settings defined, but each validator individually supports them as defined in the javadocs. For example (in conf/authn/oauth2client-authn-config.xml):

<util:list id="shibboleth.authn.OAuth2Client.Validators"> <ref bean="shibboleth.OIDCClientInfoValidator" /> <ref bean="shibboleth.JWTValidator" /> <bean parent="shibboleth.LDAPValidator" p:matchExpression="^\S+\.\d+$" /> </util:list>

While in some cases it may be acceptable to reuse the existing post-login subject canonicalization configuration used for username handling, it is expected that this may not work for most deployments. You may set the property idp.authn.OAuth2Client.c14n.postLoginFlows to an alternate bean ID referencing a list defined in conf/c14n/subject-c14n.xml that defines the c14n flow(s) to run separately from the built-in list. In many cases, an example bean such as this may suffice:

The shibboleth.OIDCClientInfoValidator validator bean that supports client secrets resolved from metadata supports hashed secrets. If a secret value is prefixed by “{SHA2}”, then the supplied secret is hashed (with SHA-256) and base64-encoded before comparing it to the rest of the secret string. This is an unsalted hash so is not really suitable for exposing to offline attacks but is at least obsfuscated. This is automatic so no configuration is required.

Advanced Features

While somewhat less interesting than for user authentication, account lockout is supported in parallel with it for this use case.

A pluggable implementation of account lockout can be enabled by defining a bean called shibboleth.authn.OAuth2Client.AccountLockoutManager that implements the AccountLockoutManager interface. For other details, refer to the original PasswordAuthnConfiguration material on this feature (only the bean name is different).

Creating a new back-end relies on supplying new implementations of the CredentialValidator interface, usually by inheriting from the net.shibboleth.idp.authn.AbstractUsernamePasswordCredentialValidator class. This is again identical to the original IdP support for this capability and the same implementation can be used for either user or client authenticatio if desired.



The idp.authn.OAuth2Client.retainAsPrivateCredential property should be used with caution, as it retains the password and makes it available in plaintext form within server memory at various stages.

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