


The JDBCStorageService is a compatible replacement for the JPAStorageService and provides a StorageService on top of an RDBMS.  It communicates directly with the database rather than using Hibernate ORM which has issues with reliability and the lack of provenance of its software artifacts.

It is possible to swap between the JPA and JDBC storage service (if running an older version of our software), and indeed to have different versions running on different nodes.

The JPA Storage Service was removed from V5 of the IdP. Please migrate prior to upgrading the IdP.

Plugin Installation

Starting with IdP 4.2 you can the install the latest plugin version supported on your IdP version with
.\plugin.sh -I net.shibboleth.plugin.storage.jdbc

Plugin ID


Latest Version

Bug Reporting

Plugin ID


Latest Version

Bug Reporting




Plugin - JDBC StorageService

For a detailed guide on how to install plugins, see here. In summary, use the plugin command that ships with the IdP to install the plugin from either a local file pre-downloaded, from a URL, or (preferred) by plugin ID.

Database Preparation

If not upgrading from a JPAStorageService configuration, then you need to:

  • Create the database table for the plugin to use.

  • Download the appropriate JDBC driver.

  • (Optionally, but recommended) Select a Connection Pooling implementation. DBCP2, included with the IdP software, is suggested as it requires no additional software.

(If you are migrating from the JPAStorageService you do not need to make any changes to your database and you can use the same configuration for the DataSource as you did for the JPAStorageService. See more below.)

Creating the Database

Example Schemas are shown below.

Whatever you do, you MUST ensure the context and id columns are case-sensitively handled and compared. That is a requirement of the API that will be using the database. This is frequently NOT the default behavior of databases such as MySQL.

The specific examples that follow should NOT be assumed to be functional, as they likely are the product of different sources, varying amounts of testing (including none), and may not be current. Drivers get updated frequently and JDBC and database bugs appear and disappear with regularity. When in doubt, always grab new ones when problems appear.

CREATE TABLE StorageRecords ( context varchar(255) NOT NULL, id varchar(255) NOT NULL, expires bigint DEFAULT NULL, value text NOT NULL, version bigint NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (context, id) );
CREATE TABLE StorageRecords ( context varchar(255) NOT NULL, id varchar(255) NOT NULL, expires bigint DEFAULT NULL, value text NOT NULL, version bigint NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (context, id) );
CREATE TABLE StorageRecords( context varchar2(255) NOT NULL, id varchar2(255) NOT NULL, expires number(19,0), value clob NOT NULL, version number(19,0) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (context, id) );
CREATE TABLE StorageRecords ( context varchar(255) NOT NULL, id varchar(255) NOT NULL, expires bigint DEFAULT NULL, value clob NOT NULL, version bigint NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (context, id) );

The value column must be arbitrarily wide to allow the JDBC storage service to back IdP Sessions

Switching from the JPAStorageService

If you are currently running with the JPAStorageService you can reconfigure to use the JDBCStorageService relatively easily

  • Locate the configuration (search for the class name org.opensaml.storage.impl.JPAStorageServicein your configuration.

  • Remove the EntityManagerFactory bean, taking note of the dataSource property.

  • Remove also the VendorAdapter bean if present.

  • Change the StorageService bean

    • Replace class="org.opensaml.storage.impl.JPAStorageService" with parent="shibboleth.JDBCStorageService"

    • Remove the constructor parameter and instead add a pointer to the dataSource you noted above p:dataSource-ref="...."

At this stage you should be able to test the configuration.

Once it works you can change bean names appropriately and add any extra configuration as detailed below.

Configuring and Using JDBC DataSources

Using JDBC requires defining a Spring bean representing the DataSource instance the IdP will create and inject into, among other places, this plugin’s StorageService definition. Note that a JDBC driver class is not the same as a DataSource. Generally a database driver will provide one or more DataSource implementation classes to choose from and this is the class you will need to create via a Spring bean to inject into other objects.

A data source will typically look like this (with most of the settings depending on the particular driver:

<bean id="my.DataSource" class="..." p:url="jdbc:database:connectionprops" />

JDBC Driver

You need to locate, download and verify the JDBC driver for your database and place it in edit-webapp/WEB-INF/lib. After populating edit-webapp/WEB-INF/lib you should execute bin/build.sh or bin/build.bat as appropriate for your environment.

Connection Pooling

For higher loads, we generally assume the use of a DataSource that provides connection pooling. The Commons DBCP 2 library is included with the IdP and can be used for this purpose without downloading additional libraries.

Tomcat’s JDBC Pooling driver has been observed to cause connection leaks and is not supported.

The following libraries provide connection pooling functionality:

As with the driver above, if you choose to use a third party pooling library not supplied with the software, you will need to add its jar(s) to edit-webapp/WEB-INF/lib and rebuild the warfile.

Storage Service Configuration

Once a DataSource bean is in place, you need to add the definition of a bean inheriting from shibboleth.JDBCStorageService into an appropriate configuration file (usually global.xml). The options you can provide to the bean are detailed below.

The behavior of the Storage Service is controlled by the following options

Java Bean Property




Java Bean Property





Bean ID


Bean ID of the DataSource to use



“PT10M” (or the value of the property idp.storage.cleanupInterval if it is set)

The time between one cleanup and another. A value of 0 indicates that no cleanup will be performed.


Comma-delimited list


A comma separate list of SQL errors which will cause a failed transaction to be retried (a maximum of transactionRetry times)




The level of transactional isolation required as described for the Connection Interface
Starting in V2.0.0, if 0 (TRANSACTION_NONE) is specified then the transactional isolation is not set at the Connection level




Number of retries if insertion fails due to database transaction bugs




Whether to verify the database connection on startup




Whether to do thread level locking to arbitrate access (for this IdP) to the the database. This can be useful in high contention situations when multiple transaction retries are happening.




The size of the ‘context’ column in you database. Only change this if you are using a non-standard DDI




The size of the ‘key’ column in you database. Only change this if you are using a non-standard DDI



Integer.MAX_SIZE (231)

The mazimum size of the ‘value’ column in you database. Only change this if you are using a non-standard DDI

queryTimeout 2.1



The timeout for the operations

It is possible to redefine any or all all the SQL statements that are sent to the database by the JDBCStorageService. The following is the list

Option Property Name



Option Property Name




SELECT expires FROM StorageRecords WHERE context =? AND id=?

The SQL to query the state of the table prior to creating a new record.

Issued in the same transaction as createCreateRecordSQL or createUpdateRecordSQL


INSERT INTO StorageRecords(context, id, expires, value, version) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 1)

The SQL to create a new record.

Issued in the same transaction as preCreateQuerySQL


UPDATE StorageRecords SET value=?, version=1, expires=? WHERE context=? AND id=?

The SQL to create a update an expired record (instead of a create)

Issued in the same transaction as preCreateQuerySQL


DELETE FROM StorageRecords WHERE context = ? AND expires < ?

The SQL to “reap” away expired records for a given context


DELETE FROM StorageRecords WHERE context = ?

The SQL to remove all records for a given context


DELETE FROM StorageRecords WHERE expires < ?

The SQL to remove all expired records (as part of the cleanup task)


SELECT version FROM StorageRecords WHERE context =? AND id=?

The SQL to determine whether the a record is the correct one to be deleted.

Issues in the same transaction as deleteRecordSQL


DELETE FROM StorageRecords WHERE context=? AND id=?

The SQL to delete a specific record.

Issued in the same transaction as preDeleteQuerySQL


SELECT version, expires, value FROM StorageRecords WHERE context =? AND id=?

The SQL to determine the state of a record prior to its update

Issued in the same transaction as updateRecordSQL


UPDATE StorageRecords SET value=?, version=?, expires=? WHERE context=? AND id=?

The SQL to update a specific record

Issued in the same transaction as preUpdateQuerySQL


SELECT id, expires, value, version FROM StorageRecords WHERE context = ?

The SQL to return all the records associated with a specific context


SELECT context, id, expires, value, version FROM StorageRecords

The SQL to return all the records


SELECT context FROM StorageRecords

The SQL to return all the context names


SELECT version, expires, value FROM StorageRecords WHERE context =? AND id=?

The SQL to read a specified record.


UPDATE StorageRecords SET expires = ? WHERE context = ? AND expires > ?

The SQL to refresh the expiration of all currently unexpired records.


In the example below use of Commons DBCP is demonstrated in the DataSource bean. When using other Connection Pool implementations change the class and properties appropriately (e.g., HikariCP: class="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource" p:jdbcUrl="...")

<bean id="my.dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close" lazy-init="true" p:driverClassName="......" p:url="jdbc:hsqldb:mem:StorageService" p:username="shibboleth" p:retryableErrors="4001, 4002" p:password="%{JDBCPassword}" /> <bean id="JDBCStorageService" parent="shibboleth.JDBCStorageService" p:dataSource-ref="dataSource" p:transactionIsolation="4" p:retryableErrors="40001" />

Example conversion from JPAStorageService

<bean id="shibboleth.JPAStorageService" class="org.opensaml.storage.impl.JPAStorageService" p:cleanupInterval="%{idp.storage.cleanupInterval:PT10M}" c:factory-ref="shibboleth.JPAStorageService.EntityManagerFactory" /> <bean id="shibboleth.JPAStorageService.EntityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean"> <property name="persistenceUnitName" value="storageservice" /> <property name="packagesToScan" value="org.opensaml.storage.impl" /> <property name="dataSource" ref="shibboleth.JPAStorageService.DataSource" /> <property name="jpaVendorAdapter" ref="shibboleth.JPAStorageService.JPAVendorAdapter" /> <property name="jpaDialect"> <bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaDialect" /> </property> </bean> <bean id="shibboleth.JPAStorageService.JPAVendorAdapter" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter"> <property name="database" value="MYSQL" /> </bean>
<bean id="shibboleth.JPAStorageService" parent="shibboleth.JDBCStorageService" p:cleanupInterval="%{idp.storage.cleanupInterval:PT10M}" p:dataSource-ref="shibboleth.JPAStorageService.DataSource"/>


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