The Identity Provider is a web application that runs behind a web server. It isn't a terribly sophisticated application by modern standards, but in a few respects it's very unusual and these are the aspects many newcomers find confusing, particularly if Java is a foreign platform to them.
The IdP also makes use of cryptography in ways that you'll need to understand in at least a rudimentary way because the security of everything you do with the IdP depends upon it.
Java Container Considerations
Java servlet applications run in so-called Java containers, such as Jetty, Tomcat, JBoss, or Glassfish. Most servlet containers are themselves web servers, and have sufficient features, flexibility, and performance to support most deployments, at scale, without the use of a separate web server like Apache. The IdP also occasionally (though far less often these days) requires certain web server features that are easier to support when Jetty or Tomcat are used alone than other containers or non-Java web servers, which will be discussed further below.
In cases where use of a native web server is required, this is typically done by "connecting" the native web server to the container using either the AJP protocol (recommended with Tomcat) or by HTTP reverse-proxying. In this case, the container generally must be configured to receive connections only from the native web server and failure to limit this will lead to significant security risk.
Ports and Connectors
As a standard web application, the IdP primarily operates on a "client-facing" port, generally 443 (the standard HTTP over TLS port). Typically it isn't necessary to worry about allowing access to port 80 to redirect traffic back to 443 and doing so will generally not work with most SAML profiles anyway. You should essentially never operate the IdP without TLS.
The key and certificate you use on port 443 should not be related to any of the keys or certificates you use in configuring the IdP software, and should be managed as you would for any secure web server. Use of an Extended Validation (EV) certificate may be beneficial because of the role the IdP plays.
HTTP Connectors in Java Containers
By default, most Java containers are provided with some kind of HTTP connector/listener on ports 8080 and 8443. This is because non-Windows operating systems restrict processes from binding to ports under 1024 unless they run as root. Some newer systems have more advanced policy control over this.
Privileged Ports
If you choose to run a Java-based web server by itself (without Apache or the like), the first thing you'll need to do is to prepare an environment for it to run under a non-root account but allow use of port 443 and possibly 80 (optional) using a technique such as a setuid
mechanism or port forwarding. Don't skip this step and don't worry about the IdP until this is done. Your overall experience will be much more confusing and painful if you ignore this advice.
You'll typically see some kind of property on the port 8080 HTTP connector that references port 8443, usually called "redirectPort" or something similar. Make sure you set this to 443; the purpose of that setting is to auto-redirect non-secured traffic when certain Java application settings are used.
Don't confuse the use of port 8443 in these default configurations with the (historical, but now much less common) IdP use of port 8443 that is described in the next section. That's an entirely different matter that you need to think about separately, and it's easiest to do that if you eliminate the references to this port that exist by default first.
Back-Channel Support
Historically, Shibboleth IdP deployments operated with a second HTTP connector for SOAP requests from Service Providers. This connector by convention usually listened on port 8443. The separate port was used primarily because the connector generally relied on client certificate authentication at the TLS layer to authenticate requests from SPs. It's possible to host these SOAP services on the same port as the rest of the IdP's services and this is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED nowadays, but this topic focuses on the "why" aspect.
Back-Channel Use Cases
Most newer SAML-only deployments do not need to support the back channel (at all, port notwithstanding. While there are a range of features that rely on the back channel, and probably more in the future, basic use of the IdP for SAML-based SSO does not require it. That said, the following features require a back channel, along with a brief explanation of why you might need them.
Just because a back-channel may be required, that does not mean that it has to operate on a separate port any more. That used to be a requirement/expectation but this has not been the case for a decade or more. When you encounter this assumption in documentation, examples, third party guides, etc., you are most likely reading out of data advice.
Attribute Query
SAML queries for attribute data were historically common in the Shibboleth world because the earliest versions based on SAML 1.1 relied on an attribute query to request attributes after processing a SAML 1.1 SSO response delivered by the browser. This was to avoid including attributes up front because SAML 1.1 did not allow for data to be encrypted, allowing it to be observed passing through the client.
Newer deployments generally will not require support for SAML 1.1 at all, since the vast majority of SPs today have support for SAML 2.0. Even if you do need to support SAML 1.1, you may not consider the exposure of data in the browser to be a major consideration, depending on the sensitivity of the attributes. You could choose to enable so-called "attribute push" by including the attributes with SSO by enabling the includeAttributeStatement
profile configuration option.
Most deployments do not need support for SAML 2.0 attribute queries, though they are also supported. In most cases it's advisable not to advertise support for that feature in your metadata. Including it when unneeded can cause some wasted traffic from Shibboleth SPs if you happen to issue a SAML 2.0 response to one that includes no attributes. In some cases, a redundant SAML 2.0 attribute query can cause a spurious error at the SP.
Lastly, you should be aware that use of this feature is at least, in part, incompatible with attribute release consent and care must be taken in enabling this feature with SPs that rely on queries.
SAML Artifacts
The Artifact feature in SAML is a pass-by-reference approach to the exchange of a SAML SSO assertion that relies on a redirect to the SP with a small artifact string that is "resolved" by sending a SOAP request to the IdP. Ordinarily, the default SAML flow used in Shibboleth is a POST to the SP in which the assertion is pushed in the body of a form. The primary advantage of the artifact approach is that it handles cases where an unprotected page includes embedded references to images or other content that are protected. It also has security properties that are considered to be an advantage by some people, in part due to the widepread lack of adoption of proper metadata support in SAML software.
Artifact usage is not common today, and it introduces complications when clustering an IdP and when testing upgrades or configuration changes. If not supported, it's very important for correct operation of SPs that your metadata not include the endpoints that indicate support for this feature.
Back-Channel Logout
SAML logout can be initiated either with the browser or as a SOAP notification from an SP to the IdP. The latter is by far the most reliable way to process a logout, but is also very limited in effectiveness because many SAML implementations and applications require access to previously-set cookies to perform a logout.
Support for SOAP logout does require that the session store be on the server side, which is not the default, and greatly complicates clustering. As a result, this isn't a feature likely to matter very much in most cases.
Other Protocols
Most of the non-SAML protocol support in the IdP does tend to rely on a back-channel, but these features were designed from the ground up to operate over port 443.
Back-Channel Support Implications
If you do decide you need to support the back channel on a different port, then one complication is a need to be able to accept any certificate presented by an SP. Most implementations of TLS certificate authentication in web servers are primitive at best and broken at worst, and have to be "convinced" to allow this.
Again, you should avoid this if at all possible and simply operate the IdP on port 443 alone.
Java Containers
When Java containers are used to handle this traffic, it is typical to require some kind of Java plugin to override the certificate handling. For containers that are formally supported, the installation pages for each container will include a reference to a plugin component and information on how to configure it. For other containers, you will be on your own and may need to forgo supporting the back channel on a separate port.
Using Apache as the web server is possible, though discouraged, with two conditions:
You typically want to be using an AJP-based proxy connector to your Java container, because only AJP typically allows the client certificate to be passed into the Java server so the IdP can evaluate it. Failing this, you will have to ensure that any requests are made with signed messages.
You must set the option SSLVerifyClient optional_no_ca in your back-channel virtual host configuration.
The latter works, but is subject to certain limitations that will cause problems for some SPs because even when this option is used, the Apache module still applies some restrictions on the client certificate that are not strictly required by the IdP itself. So this will limit the interoperability of your deployment.
Server Certificates
While the back-channel connector is superficially "just" another TLS-enabled server port, you SHOULD NOT use a short-lived, commercially-obtained server certificate on this virtual host, as discussed further below.
Keys and Certificates
There are a number of different keys and certificates used by the IdP, each for a specific purpose. Most are holdovers from earlier versions (which is noted where appropriate) but a couple of the use cases are new and therefore introduce some different scenarios to be aware of.
Read the general topic on SAML Keys and Certificates before reading this section.