Building the Native SP from Source on Mac OS X

The following installation procedure will build the Shibboleth 2.x SP and all its dependencies. Completion of the instructions will result in a functional and loaded but unconfigured SP installed under /opt/shibboleth-sp/. If you'd like to use an alternative directory, modify all paths accordingly.

The 2.x native SP has been built successfully using the following combinations:

Set Up the Build Environment

Building Shibboleth

The following packages must be built in the following order using the ./configure commands listed. Be sure to make and make install as appropriate for each package, including Shibboleth itself.

For any specific notes about each package and any special version requirements, you can click on the dependency.

If you have pkg-config installed, you may need to append --with-openssl=/usr to the XMLTooling-C and OpenSAML-C configure commands (or remove pkg-config from your path).

When building Shibboleth, you may need to use different options if you're not using the standard Apple Apache version and/or if the Apache files are not in your system path.


If you're not comfortable researching and diagnosing configure and/or make errors, we strongly suggest you find somebody who is, or use a package of some sort rather than a direct source build. However, we'll compile some tips on troubleshooting source builds.

Basic Configuration

These steps will configure Apache to load mod_shib, supply it with proper host and scheme information, and start shibd.

  1. Edit httpd.conf:
  2. Restart Apache.
  3. /opt/shibboleth-sp/sbin/shibd must be independently started and run in order to handle access requests. The daemon should in the future be loaded and monitored along with all other major services. A launchd file is included in etc/shibboleth/shibd.osx.plist
    /opt/shibboleth-sp/sbin/shibd &
  4. By default, the Shibboleth module is configured to log information on behalf of Apache to /opt/shibboleth-sp/var/log/httpd/native.log, though this can be changed by modifying the native.logger files pointed to by the configuration. For this log to be created, Apache must have permission to write to this file, which may require that the file be manually created and permissions assigned to whatever user Apache is configured to run under. If the file does not appear when Apache runs with the modules loaded, check for permission problems or change the location used.
  5. shibd creates its own separate logs at /opt/shibboleth-sp/var/log/shibboleth/shibd.log and must have appropriate write permissions itself as well.

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and Apache on Mac OS X

If you build as indicated above you should be successful, however, it is likely that you will have difficulty getting the module to load in Apache. This is because the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set when Apache is started, but Apple starts Apache with a launch control process (/bin/launchctl) and it is difficult to set an environment variable that this process will notice when starting Apache because it executes httpd directly rather than using /usr/sbin/apachectl. So, I present two options for you:

Option 1: Write DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH into compiled binaries

This is the option I prefer because everything will just work all the time when you are done compiling. When setting up your build environment:

Option 2: Set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for launchctl

Personally I dislike this option because I don't like doing something that could get obliterated by an Apple system update. This may be someone else's preferred method though so I will put it here for the record. Note that I discovered this solution when trying to figure this out myself and came across the thread

Add the following XML snippet to /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist.


For 64-bit Intel

I'm no Gnu config expert, so this is surely not the best, but the results do seem to work:

setenv CFLAGS "-arch x86_64"
setenv CCFLAGS "-arch x86_64"
setenv CXXFLAGS "-arch x86_64"
setenv LDFLAGS "-arch x86_64"
setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/shibboleth-sp/lib

log4shib: ./configure --disable-static --disable-doxygen --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp
after doing configure edit libtool
find compiler_flags=
set to compiler_flags="-arch x86_64"

icu is not needed, which is good because I had big trouble building it for 64 bits

xerces: ./configure --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp --disable-static --enable-netaccessor-socket --enable-transcoder-macosunicodeconverter
it's possible that the last arg isn't needed.
after doing configure edit libtool
find compiler_flags=
set to compiler_flags="-arch x86_64"

xml-security: ./configure --without-xalan --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp --with-xerces=/opt/shibboleth-sp
after doing configure edit libtool
find compiler_flags=
set to compiler_flags="-arch x86_64"

xmltooling: ./configure --with-log4shib=/opt/shibboleth-sp --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp -C
***BEFORE configure, edit
find compiler_flags=
set to compiler_flags="-arch x86_64"

opensaml: ./configure --with-log4shib=/opt/shibboleth-sp --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp -C
***BEFORE configure, edit [don't know this is required; did it because
all the others needed it]
find compiler_flags=
set to compiler_flags="-arch x86_64"

shibboleth: ./configure --with-log4shib=/opt/shibboleth-sp --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp -C
***WARNING note the spaces around compiler flag
***BEFORE configure, edit [don't know this is required; did it because
all the others needed it]
find compiler_flags=
set to compiler_flags=" -arch x86_64 "