

Options related to DPoP proof validation:









requireDpopProof 4.2



A flag for requiring the DPoP proof JWT in the profile. If the proof exists in the request, it’s always validated.

dpopProofClaimsValidator 4.2


Beans named DefaultDPoPProofClaimsValidator for PAR/token and DefaultDPoPWithAthProofClaimsValidator for others (involving access token validation)

The claims validation configuration used for validating the payload contents of the DPoP proof JWTs. The default values follows the RFC: the latter also verifying the access token hash claim.

dpopProofSignatureValidationConfiguration 4.2


Bean named DPoPSignatureValidationConfiguration

The bean used for defining the signature validation configuration used for validating DPoP proof signatures.

dpopProofNonceGenerator 4.2


Bean named DefaultOAuth2DPoPNonceGenerator

The bean used for defining the function used for generating nonce used within DPoP proofs. Null value (#{null}) means that nonces are disabled.

If modified to a non-null value, the dpopProofClaimsValidatorneeds to be modified to be able to validate the custom nonce value.

DPoP proof claims set validation

The idp.policy.messageLifetimeand idp.policy.clockSkew properties are exploited when validating the iat -claim.

Replay detection

The DPoP proofs must contain a unique identifier (jti -claim). The default validation (the dpopProofClaimsValidator option) implements this check via shibboleth.ReplayCachebean, which exploits the storage service that may be configured via idp.replayCache.StorageService -property (see StorageConfiguration | Reference ).

The lifetime for the replay cache record is taken from the exp -claim if it exists in the DPoP proof claims set. If not, the property idp.oauth2.dpop.replayCacheLifetime(defaults to 5 minutes) is exploited. The record key is taken from the jti claim.

In order to guard against memory exhaustion attacks, the jti values longer than 64 characters are hashed with SHA-256 before using them as the replay record key. The maximum record lifetime may also be set via idp.oauth2.dpop.maxReplayCacheLifetime-property, which defaults to 5 minutes.


If the dpopProofNonceGenerator option has a value, the bean is used for generating nonce values to be used within DPoP proof JWTs. The default value points to an implementation that generates relying party -specific values that are valid for 5 minutes, customisable via idp.oauth2.dpop.nonceLifetime-property. The default implementation exploits the data sealer for encrypting the nonce value into an opaque string.

The default value for dpopProofClaimsValidator contains a claims validator that is activated whenever dpopProofNonceGenerator option has a value.

Note that any browser-based client applications using CORS may require the DPoP-Nonce to be included in the Access-Control-Expose-Headers response header list value. The page CORS handling describes some alternatives for handling CORS preflight requests. For instance the Spring CORS configuration supports p:exposedHeaders="DPoP-Nonce"as a way for satisfying that requirement.


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