

File(s): conf/relying-party.xml, conf/oidc.properties
Format: Native Spring, Spring Properties


Since OP version 4.1, the OIDC.Logout profile configuration bean enables support for the OIDC logout specifications that cover the two halves:

  1. Responding to requests from RP (OIDC RP-initiated logout)

  2. Propagating logout to an RP (OIDC front- and back-channel logout)

Similarly to the SAML logout, the propagation step works in the same way regardless of how the logout is initiated (see LogoutConfiguration ).


Profile configurations

In addition to the OIDC.Logout bean, make sure to include/reference the OAUTH2.Revocation profile bean to enable token revocation during the logout process (see documentation for the revokeTokens -property below).

Required IdP properties

Similarly to the SAML logout, the following global configuration properties need to be set to true:

  • idp.session.trackSPSession

  • idp.session.secondaryServiceIndex

Metadata items

In addition to the configuration options below, the following items at the RP metadata are needed for specific features:

  • post_logout_redirect_uris: the set of redirection URIs that may be used with the OIDC RP-initiated logout

  • backchannel_logout_uri: the URI used with the back-channel logout propagation

  • backchannel_logout_session_required: the flag to indicate that sid-parameter should be included in the back-channel logout request

  • frontchannel_logout_uri: the URI used with the front-channel logout propagation

  • frontchannel_logout_session_required: the flag to indicate that sid-parameter should be included in the front-channel logout request

Either backchannel_logout_uri or frontchannel_logout_uri needs to be included in the RP metadata to activate the propagation support.

Logout views in IdP 5.0

With IdP 5.0, the logout-propagate.vm and logout-complete.vm views need to be modified to contain the following iframe inside the if-clause:

<!-- If OIDC logout, complete the flow by adding a hidden iframe. --> #if ($profileRequestContext.getProfileId().contains("oidc/logout")) <iframe style="display:none" src="$flowExecutionUrl&_eventId=proceed"></iframe> #end

The snippet is needed to close the logout process and free up the resources on the IdP-side. In the cases when RP-initiated logout was used to initiate the logout process and the logout request message contained the post_logout_redirect_uri -parameter, this iframe will also call that post logout redirection URI via HTTP 302 redirect.

From IdP 5.1 onwards, no changes to the default logout views are needed.

Profile configuration options

Virtually all the configuration options below can be set via two different properties: a static property that explicitly sets the value to use and a lookup strategy or predicate property that takes a Function or Predicate and returns the value to use. The dynamic property is generally named "propertyNamePredicate" or "propertyNameLookupStrategy" for Boolean- and non-Boolean-valued properties respectively.

Options specific to the OIDC Logout flow:









Whether to automatically disable back-channel logout token encryption if the relying party does not possess a suitable key (defaults to true).



Whether to prefer front-channel logout propagation if both front and back -channel URIs are defined in the RP metadata (defaults to true).



Whether to consider front-channel logout propagation success in the propagation UI (defaults to false).



Whether to revoke the access and refresh tokens related to the session (defaults to true). Note that the OAUTH2.Revocation profile must be enabled for the RP.



Whether to require the use of id_token_hint parameter in the RP-initiated logout request.






A bi-predicate for matching the logout_hint parameter with an SPSession (defaults to always return false).

The following properties can be used to globally control settings above:

  • idp.oidc.logout.encryptionOptional

  • idp.oidc.logout.preferFrontChannel

  • idp.oidc.logout.frontChannelSuccess

  • idp.oidc.logout.revokeTokens

  • idp.oidc.logout.requireIdTokenHint

  • idp.oidc.logout.logoutHintMatchingStrategy

The global bean shibboleth.oidc.logout.LogoutTokenTypeLookupStrategy (Function<MessageContext, String>) can be defined for replacing the default logic for naming back-channel logout tokens. By default their type is always logout+jwt as recommended by the specification.


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