

File(s): conf/relying-party.xml, conf/oidc.properties
Format: Native Spring, Spring Properties


The OAuth2.Introspection profile configuration bean enables support for the OAuth2 Token Introspection profile, living at /idp/profile/oauth2/introspection

Supported response parameters are: active, scope, client_id, username, token_type, exp, iat, sub, iss, and aud.

This implementation requires client authentication and requires that the client_id match either the value in the token or one of the audiences of the token to allow an accurate response.


The most typical options used are described in more detail below, but not every obscure option is discussed. See the javadoc for all of the possible configuration options for this profile (note that some of them are inherited from parent classes).

Virtually all the configuration options below can be set via two different properties: a static property that explicitly sets the value to use and a lookup strategy or predicate property that takes a Function or Predicate and returns the value to use. The dynamic property is generally named "propertyNamePredicate" or "propertyNameLookupStrategy" for Boolean- and non-Boolean-valued properties respectively.

The use of DPoP proofs is not required in the introspection endpoint by default as the resource servers may use this endpoint for fetching the JWK thumbprint needed for validating the DPoP tokens themselves. The use of valid proofs may be enforced via requireDpopProof -option.


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