
The Shibboleth IdP V3 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only. See the IDP4 wiki space for current documentation on the supported version.


The <ConditionScript> element contains a script (or a reference to a script) that ultimately applies an implementation of Predicate<EntityDescriptor> to a given entity descriptor.

Software version requirement

This feature requires IdP V3.4 or later.

The <ConditionScript> element implicitly iterates over all entity descriptors in the metadata pipeline. For each entity descriptor, the parent <MetadataFilter> element acts on the input entity descriptor if (and only if) the predicate evaluates to true. The action taken depends on the type of metadata filter.

The <ConditionScript> may be a child of the following filters:


The <ConditionScript> element is a configuration element of type ScriptType. Both the element and its type are defined by the urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:metadata schema, which can be located at http://shibboleth.net/schema/idp/shibboleth-metadata.xsd.

The following sections describe the attributes and elements of the ScriptType type.


An element of type ScriptType has the following XML attributes:






stringoptional"javascript"Defines the JSR-223 language to use. The default is ECMAScript using either the Rhino (Java 7) or Nashorn (Java 8) engines.

customObjectRef 3.2

The ID of a Spring bean defined elsewhere in the configuration.

If the customObjectRef attribute is present, the result of the referenced Spring bean is made available to the script in a variable named custom. This is in addition to the normal script context discussed below.

Child Elements

An element of type ScriptType has the following child elements:


Exactly One

An inline script
Path to a local file or classpath resource containing the script

The script may be stored in a local file (with <ScriptFile>) or written inline (with <Script>). An inline script should be wrapped with a CDATA section to prevent interpretation of any special XML characters that may be included in the script.

Always wrap inline scripts with a CDATA section

Always wrap inline scripts with a CDATA section, even if the script contains no special XML characters. This will future-proof your script.

Script Context

A script contained by a <ConditionScript> element has access to an object called input by convention. The actual input argument is an instance of a class that implements the EntityDescriptor interface.  Additionally the script has access to an object called custom.  This is the bean specified using the customObjectRef attribute, if present, and null if not..


The following trivial implementation of Predicate<EntityDescriptor> always returns false regardless of the input argument:

A trivial implementation of Predicate<EntityDescriptor>
        "use strict";

A more complex example might use the custom object to help in the definition

A trivial implementation of Function<T, Predicate<EntityDescriptor>>
<ConditionScript customObjectRef="BeanID">
        "use strict";
        var someCondition = function(entityID) {
            // Good stuff
        var result;
        // CustomObjectRef points to a <util:map> where the key is a string and the value is an 'interesting bean'
		if (someCondition(input.getEntityID())) {
            result = custom["myFirstBean"].someFunction(input);
        } else {
            result = custom["mySecondBean"].someOtherFunction(input); 

Note that both formal parameter names (t and entity) are arbitrary. A nontrivial script would presumably substitute a more meaningful name for the formal parameter t.

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