
The Shibboleth IdP V3 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only. See the IDP4 wiki space for current documentation on the supported version.


The DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider fetches entity metadata just-in-time from a remote HTTP server. The metadata request URL is constructed by applying a transform to the entityID. The transform strategy is configured in a child element.

Metadata is cached in memory subject to a complex set of interacting settings and the cache indicators within the metadata itself, and also can be saved to disk and reloaded back into memory at reload or startup time to restore the state of the cache. This isn't a fully redundant safety net but can be used as part of an overall strategy to reduce the risk of relying on remote sources in real-time. Ultimately, remote sources have to be bulletproof or there will be outages. This can be mitigated but not fully eliminated as a risk.

Use this provider with remote metadata

The DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider is used with remote metadata. See the MetadataManagementBestPractices topic for more information.


Schema Names and location

The <MetadataProvider> element and the type DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider are defined by the urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:metadata schema, which can be located at http://shibboleth.net/schema/idp/shibboleth-metadata.xsd.


Any of the Common Attributes, the Dynamic Attributes, or the HTTP Attributes may be configured.

Common Attributes

The following attributes are required on all metadata provider types:

idStringrequiredIdentifier for logging, identification for command line reload, etc.
xsi:typeStringrequiredSpecifies the exact type of provider to use (from those listed above, or a custom extension type).

The following attributes are common to all metadata provider types except the ChainingMetadataProvider type:




Whether candidate metadata found by the resolver must be valid in order to be returned (where validity is implementation specific, but in SAML cases generally depends on a validUntil attribute.) If this flag is true, then invalid candidate metadata will not be returned.


BooleantrueWhether to fail initialization of the underlying MetadataResolverService (and possibly the IdP as a whole) if the initialization of a metadata provider fails. When false, the IdP may start, and will continue to attempt to reload valid metadata if configured to do so, but operations that require valid metadata will fail until it does.
Defines the order in which metadata providers are searched (see below), can only be specified on top level <MetadataProvider> elements.
The following are advanced settings supporting a new low-level feature allowing metadata lookup by keys other than the unique entityID and are rarely of use to a deployer.
criterionPredicateRegistryRef 3.3Bean ID
Identifies the a custom CriterionPredicateRegistry bean used in resolving predicates from non-predicate input criteria.
useDefaultPredicateRegistry 3.3BooleantrueFlag which determines whether the default CriterionPredicateRegistry will be used if a custom one is not supplied explicitly.
satisfyAnyPredicates 3.3BooleanfalseFlag which determines whether predicates used in filtering are connected by a logical 'OR' (true) or by logical 'AND' (false).

Dynamic Attributes

The following attributes are common to all dynamic metadata providers (i.e., DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider and LocalDynamicMetadataProvider):

parserPoolRefBean IDshibboleth.ParserPoolIdentifies a Spring bean for the XML parser used to parse metadata. Generally should not be changed.
taskTimerRefBean ID
Identifies a Spring bean containing a Java TaskTimer used to schedule reloads. When not set, an internal timer is created. Generally should not be changed.
refreshDelayFactorReal Number (strictly between 0.0 and 1.0)0.75A factor applied to the initially determined refresh time in order to determine the next refresh time (typically to ensure refresh takes place prior to the metadata's expiration). Attempts to refresh metadata will generally begin around the product of this number and the maximum refresh delay.
minCacheDurationDurationPT10M (10 minutes)The minimum duration for which metadata will be cached before it is refreshed.
maxCacheDurationDurationPT8H (8 hours)The maximum duration for which metadata will be cached before it is refreshed.
maxIdleEntityDataDurationPT8H (8 hours)

The maximum duration for which metadata will be allowed to be idle (no requests for it) before it is removed from the cache.

removeIdleEntityDataBooleantrueFlag indicating whether idle metadata should be removed.
cleanupTaskInterval                          DurationPT30M (30 minutes)

The interval at which the internal cleanup task should run.  This task performs background maintenance tasks, such as the removal of expired and idle metadata.

persistentCacheManagerRef 3.3Bean ID
The optional manager for the persistent cache store for resolved metadata.  On metadata provider initialization, data present in the persistent cache will be loaded to memory, effectively restoring the state of the provider as closely as possible to that which existed before the previous shutdown.  Each individual cache entry will only be loaded if 1) the entry is still valid as determined by the internal provider logic, and 2) the entry passes the (optional) predicate supplied via initializationFromCachePredicateRef.
persistentCacheManagerDirectory 3.3File specification

The directory used for an internally-constructed filesystem-based persistent cache. This is a convenience parameter to avoid specifying a full bean via persistentCacheManagerRef. This option will be ignored if persistentCacheManagerRef is specified.

persistentCacheKeyGeneratorRef 3.3Bean IDinternal default instanceIdentifies a Spring bean for a Function which generates the string key used with the cache manager. The default implementation produces the lower-case hex-encoded SHA-1 digest of the entityID of the EntityDescriptor.
initializeFromPersistentCacheInBackground 3.3BooleantrueFlag indicating whether should initialize from the persistent cache in the background.  Initializing from the cache in the background will improve IdP startup times.
backgroundInitializationFromCacheDelay 3.3DurationPT2S (2 seconds)

The delay after which to schedule the background initialization from the persistent cache when initializeFromPersistentCacheInBackground=true.

initializationFromCachePredicateRef 3.3Bean IDan "always true" predicate

Identifies a Spring bean for an optional Predicate which determines whether a given entity should be loaded from the persistent cache at resolver initialization time.

Configuring the Dynamic Attributes

Configure the Dynamic Attributes for the desired cache behavior. In particular, the minCacheDuration attribute and/or the maxCacheDuration attribute should be adjusted based on the life cycle of the metadata. Note that the cacheDuration attribute in metadata (if any) contributes to the overall cache behavior.

HTTP Attributes

The following HTTP attributes are exclusive to the DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider type:

maxConnectionsTotal 3.3
Integer100The maximum total number of simultaneous connections allowed by the HTTP client's connection pool manager. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.
maxConnectionsPerRoute 3.3Integer100The maximum number of simultaneous connections per route allowed by the HTTP client's connection pool manager. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.


List of String (comma-separated)"application/samlmetadata+xml, application/xml, text/xml"

The MIME types supported by this provider when requesting metadata from the HTTP server. The Content-Type response header is validated against this list. This value cannot be specified as a bean property.

The following attributes are common to all HTTP metadata providers (i.e., DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider and FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider).

An HTTP metadata provider includes a default implementation of the org.apache.http.client.HttpClient interface. The attributes in the following subsections control the behavior of the default HTTP client. To override the default client implementation, configure the following attribute:

httpClientRefBean ID

A reference to an externally defined Spring bean that specifies an org.apache.http.client.HttpClient object. This attribute conflicts with and overrides all of the HTTP attributes. See the HttpClientConfiguration topic for more information.

Use of the httpClientRef attribute precludes the use of any and all of the HTTP attributes in the following subsections.

HTTP Connection Attributes

The following attributes apply to the HTTP connections obtained and managed by an HTTP metadata provider:

connectionRequestTimeout 3.3DurationDepends on the provider typeThe maximum amount of time to wait for a connection to be returned from the HTTP client's connection pool manager. Set to PT0S to disable. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.
connectionTimeout 3.3DurationDepends on the provider typeThe maximum amount of time to wait to establish a connection with the remote server. Set to PT0S to disable. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.
DurationDepends on the provider type

DEPRECATED: Use connectionTimeout instead.

socketTimeout 3.3DurationDepends on the provider typeThe maximum amount of time to wait between two consecutive packets while reading from the socket connected to the remote server. Set to PT0S to disable. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.

HTTP Security Attributes

The following security-related attributes apply to any HTTP metadata provider:


If true, no TLS certificate checking will take place over an HTTPS connection. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef. (Be careful with this setting, it is typically only used during testing. See the HttpClientConfiguration topic for more information.)

disregardSslCertificateBooleanfalseDEPRECATED: Use disregardTLSCertificate instead.

DEPRECATED: Use httpClientSecurityParametersRef instead.


DEPRECATED: Use httpClientSecurityParametersRef instead.

tlsTrustEngineRef 3.1Bean ID

DEPRECATED: Use httpClientSecurityParametersRef instead.

httpClientSecurityParametersRef 3.3Bean ID
A reference to an externally defined Spring bean that specifies an org.opensaml.security.httpclient.HttpClientSecurityParameters instance, which consolidates all HTTP security parameters including advanced TLS usage. This attribute conflicts with and overrides any explicit TrustEngine implementation configured as an inline <TLSTrustEngine> element. See the HttpClientConfiguration topic for more information.

HTTP Proxy Attributes

The following attributes configure an HTTP proxy for use with an HTTP metadata provider:


The hostname of the HTTP proxy through which connections will be made. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.


The port of the HTTP proxy through which connections will be made. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.


The username used with the HTTP proxy through which connections will be made. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.


The password used with the HTTP proxy through which connections will be made. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.

HTTP Caching Attributes

The following attributes configure an HTTP cache on an HTTP metadata provider:

httpCaching"none", "file", or "memory"Depends on the provider type

The type of low-level HTTP caching to perform. There are three choices:

  • “none” indicates the HTTP response is not cached by the client library

  • "file” indicates the HTTP response is written to disk (but will not survive a restart)

  • "memory" indicates the HTTP response is stored in memory

This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef and its value may not be specified as a bean property.

Some metadata providers, most notably the reloading "batch-oriented" providers, implement HTTP caching at a higher layer and tend to work best with httpCaching="none".


If httpCaching="file", this attribute specifies where retrieved files are to be cached. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.


"memory": 50

"file": 100

The maximum number of responses written to cache. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.


"memory": 1048576 (1MB)

"file":  10485760 (10MB)

The maximum response body size that may be cached, in bytes. This attribute is incompatible with httpClientRef.

Configuring the HTTP Connection Attributes

For a DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider, the HTTP Connection Attributes have aggressive default timeout values:

connectionRequestTimeoutPT5S (5 seconds)
connectionTimeoutPT5S (5 seconds)
socketTimeoutPT5S (5 seconds)

These may be tightened further if desired.

Configuring the HTTP Caching Attributes

By default, a DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider caches metadata in memory (httpCaching="memory"). The default values of the HTTP Caching Attributes are optimized for numerous, relatively small metadata files (i.e., single entity descriptors).

A file cache is volatile

A file cache will not survive a restart and so there is little (if any) benefit in overriding the default in-memory caching strategy.

Child Elements

Any of the following child elements may be specified, in the specified order (i.e. filters must appear first, then optionally a trust engine, and finally one of the request construction elements.

<MetadataFilter>0 or moreA metadata filter applied to candidate metadata as it flows through the metadata pipeline
<TLSTrustEngine>3.10 or 1A custom TrustEngine used to evaluate TLS server certificates. This element conflicts with and is overridden by the httpClientSecurityParametersRef attribute.
<MetadataQueryProtocol>0 or 1Constructs the metadata request URL based on the requirements of the Metadata Query Protocol
<Template>0 or 1Constructs the metadata request URL by means of a simple transform based on substitution
<Regex>0 or 1Constructs the metadata request URL by means of a complex transform based on a regular expression

The <MetadataFilter> child element is common to all metadata providers while the <TLSTrustEngine> child element is common to all HTTP metadata providers. The remaining child elements are exclusive to the DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider type.

At most one of the <MetadataQueryProtocol><Template>, or <Regex> child elements is allowed. If none are configured, the provider constructs the metadata request URL directly from the entityID. This corresponds to the "well-known location" mechanism defined in the SAML 2.0 Metadata specification, section 4.1.

Don't forget to configure a child element

If you forget to configure a child element, the provider will default to the well-known location strategy. This constrains the entityID to be an URL (not an URN) but the provider does not check the URL scheme. If the scheme on the entityID is "http:", the metadata exchange will be vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack. For this reason, the well-known location strategy should be avoided in most cases.

<MetadataQueryProtocol>  child element

If the <MetadataQueryProtocol> child element is used, the metadata request URL is constructed according to the SAML Profile for the Metadata Query Protocol, which itself is based on the Metadata Query Protocol specification. The content of the <MetadataQueryProtocol> child element will be used as the "Base URL" defined in that specification.

The <MetadataQueryProtocol> child element has the following optional attribute:

transformRefBean ID
A reference to a transform function for the entityID. If used, the child element must be empty.

The transformRef attribute may be used if (and only if) the child element is empty (i.e., it has no content).

<Template> child element

If the <Template> child element is used, the metadata request URL is constructed by means of a simple transform. Specifically, the value of the entityID is substituted into the template parameter "${entityID}".

The <Template> child element has the following attributes:

encodingStyle 3.4

"none", "form", "path", or "fragment"


Determines whether and how the entityID value will be URL encoded prior to replacement.  Allowed values are:

  • "none" : No encoding is performed.
  • "form" : Encoded using URL form parameter encoding (for query parameters).
  • "path" : Encoded using URL path encoding.
  • "fragment" : Encoded using URL fragment encoding.

The precise definition of these terms is defined in the documentation for the methods of the Guava library's UrlEscapers class.

encodedBooleantrueDeprecated. Use 'encodingStyle instead as of v3.4. If the element contains an encoded attribute set to "false", the value will be replaced directly, otherwise it will be URL form encoded.
transformRefBean ID
A reference to a transform function for the entityID. If used, the child element must be empty.
velocityEngineBean IDshibboleth.VelocityEngineThis attribute may be used to specify the name of the Velocity engine defined within the application.

The transformRef attribute may be used if (and only if) the child element is empty (i.e., it has no content).

<Regex> child element

If the <Regex> child element is used, the metadata request URL is constructed by means of a complex transform. The entityID value is first matched against the regular expression contained in the <Regex> element's match attribute. Then, the <Regex> element's content is treated as a replacement expression to run based on the results of the match.

The <Regex> child element has the following required attribute:

matchStringrequiredA regular expression against which the entityID is evaluated.

Note that only numeric/positional group references (e.g., $1) are supported.


A typical use case is to load entity metadata dynamically from a metadata qu