
The Shibboleth IdP V3 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only. See the IDP4 wiki space for current documentation on the supported version.


The following attributes are common to all reloading "batch-oriented" metadata providers (i.e., FileBackedHTTPMetadataProviderFilesystemMetadataProvider, and ResourceBackedMetadataProvider):

parserPoolRef                 Bean IDshibboleth.ParserPoolIdentifies a Spring bean for the XML parser used to parse metadata. Generally should not be changed.
taskTimerRefBean ID
Identifies a Spring bean containing a Java TaskTimer used to schedule reloads. When not set, an internal timer is created. Generally should not be changed.
minRefreshDelayDurationPT30SLower bound on the next refresh from the time calculated based on the metadata's expiration.
maxRefreshDelayDurationPT4HUpper bound on the next refresh from the time calculated based on the metadata's expiration.
refreshDelayFactorReal Number (strictly between 0.0 and 1.0)0.75A factor applied to the initially determined refresh time in order to determine the next refresh time (typically to ensure refresh takes place prior to the metadata's expiration). Attempts to refresh metadata will generally begin around the product of this number and the maximum refresh delay.
indexesRef 3.3Bean ID

Identifies an optional Set<MetadataIndex> used to support resolution of metadata based on criteria other than an entityID.

resolveViaPredicatesOnly 3.3Booleanfalse

Flag indicating whether resolution may be performed solely by applying predicates to the entire metadata collection, when an entityID input criterion is not supplied.

expirationWarningThreshold 3.4DurationPT0S (disabled)For each attempted metadata refresh (whether or not fresh metadata is obtained), if requireValidMetadata is true, and there is a validUntil XML attribute on the document root element, and the difference between validUntil and the current time is less than expirationWarningThreshold, the system logs a warning about the impending expiration.

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