October 2024 Update

October 2024 Update

Short update as we’re all just working “heads down” at the moment.

We’re still working to release the WebAuthn plugin and the next update to the OIDC plugin, but a number of bugs and suggestions have continued to pop up during testing, so that’s generally a good thing.

We have a few significant bug fixes queued for IdP V5.2 but nothing of particular urgency so I don’t know if a release of that is likely before next year or not. We will probably attempt to hold that release pending work underway right now on a new Data Connector supporting SAML Attribute Queries. The main motivation for that is in support of the new SP since the current SP supports that feature. Even though it was initially done as part of our SAML 1.1 support, which the new SP will not include, there were more generic uses for the query support that some deployers made use of for virtual organization use cases, and we are intending to continue that in some form. Obviously the feature will be generic enough to use within the IdP as well since it will be part of the attribute resolver.

The SP V3.5 refresh work is underway, the coding changes are mostly done, still working on builds and testing. Should likely be finished later this month as planned.

Progress continues testing the new Java-backed SAML token consumer logic without running into any major problems, just the odd tweak to OpenSAML here and there. Once that’s done, and the V3.5 work is completed, I’ll be forking the SP Git repository for 3.x maintenance and moving work on the new Apache/IIS agent prototyping to the main branch. Some code from the XML Tooling library will be incorporated in various forms, but most if not all of the SP’s OpenSAML library will simply be going away. Probability of having demo-able code for Tech Exchange remains about 50-50, probably trending toward “not quite”, but I should be able to present some material on the design and likely deployment models.


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