

Shibboleth Goals

The goals of the Shibboleth software are:

  • Allow an organization use their existing user authentication mechanism to access web-based resources even if the resource is not operated by the orgnization. This has the benefits that:
    • A user only needs their "normal" log on credentials, not one per resource.
    • Access resources do not need to manage user credentials.
  • Allow the user's information maintained by their organization to be provided to the resource. This has the benefits that:
    • When a user updates information with their organization all resources receives this new information when the user visits them.
    • Resources do not need to store and maintain data known by the user's organization.
  • Allow the user, or their organization, to control the release of the user's information. This has the benefits that:
    • The user, or their organization, is in control of what information gets released.
    • Resources maintainers do not need to worry about receiving and protecting data they do not require.

Shibboleth Requirements

Service Provider System Requirements

Identity Provider System Requirements

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