The OpenSAML 2 shared library can be built from source using any reasonably standard C++ compiler or installed from binary packages on supported platforms. Note that C++ libraries must be built using a common compiler or link/load undefined symbol errors will result.

Static library support is not available.

The following dependencies are required and must be built or obtained before building OpenSAML itself:


A standard configure command line should do the right thing, barring occasional platform-specific requirements or pointing to libraries in non-standard locations.


The source package includes a VS 2010 project that relies on the approaches to building other dependencies outlined at this site.

Note that Visual Studio 6 is NOT supported. There are C++ features, particularly templates and STL use across libraries, that will not run on the older runtime library, even if you made it build. Do not waste your time.

VC14 support is under development.  If you are using the build.make file in the cpp-msbuild project then you should note that defining VCVERSION on the command line will use the appropriate tools

h:\Perforce\devel\cpp-msbuild>nmake /f build.make VCVERSION=VC14