Version 0.10.0 (next feature release)

Release date: TBA

For a complete list of issues addressed in this release, see

This is a major pre-1.0 feature release. The intention is to stabilise the API as much as possible in advance of the 1.0.0 release of the product. There are many changes to the API in this release, and you should expect to make changes in your deployment when migrating from previous releases. Where possible, deprecation warnings are logged to allow gradual migration. Some of those deprecations (to be determined) will be resolved by removing the old APIs in v1.0.0; others will be retained past that point.

This release introduces a standard bean definition resource which both simplifies XML configuration and assists in migration from older versions of the API. Deployers are strongly recommended to adopt this approach if using XML configuration. See Standard bean definition resource for full details.

Dependency Changes

Packaging Changes

In version 0.10.0, the packaging of the Metadata Aggregator has been completely revised:

Each package includes, as before, the MDA framework, the simple command-line interface and all required dependencies. Additional text files such as license material and examples follow Windows line endings for the .zip distribution and Unix line endings for the .tar.gz distribution. Both distributions include invocation scripts for both Linux ( and Windows (mda.bat) systems following the natural line-ending conventions for their intended platforms.

By preference, you should use the .zip distribution only on Windows systems. If you are migrating from 0.9.x on a non-Windows system, you should switch to the .tar.gz distribution instead. However, the .zip distribution still includes the Linux invocation script with Unix-style line endings so it will still work. This behaviour is not guaranteed for future releases.

The group ID remains net.shibboleth.metadata.

API Removals

One aim of this release is to prepare for a stable 1.x release series. As part of this, a number of elements have been removed from the API:

API Additions

API Changes


Bug Fixes