Versions Compared


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  • MDA-52: A new stage ElementsStrippingStage has been added to allow stripping a number of different elements (all from the same namespace) from a DOM document. The stage may be operated in a blacklisting or whitelisting mode, with blacklisting the default. Like ElementStrippingStage, an elementNamespace property determines the namespace in question, and all elements in other namespaces are ignored.

  • MDA-56: A new stage EntityAttributeAddingStage has been added to add entity attributes to the metadata for SAML entities. This is configured using attributeNameattributeNameFormat and attributeValue properties, with attributeName and attributeNameFormat defaulting to the values required to add an entity category attribute. The stage is based on a new Container framework which attempts to generate reasonably well formatted XML for nested container elements, and handles the insertion of the required parent containers (Extensions, EntityAttributes, Attribute) when they are not already present.

  • MDA-116: The ScriptletStage has a new variableName property controlling the name of the variable in the script context to which the item list is assigned. This defaults to "items" as before but may be overridden for languages or scripts that require a different value. For example, setting variableName to "$items" allows use of the stage with Ruby.

  • MDA-138: A new SAMLStringElementCheckingStage can be used to check the general rule in SAML that elements with string values must have at least one non-whitespace character.

  • MDA-160: The EntityAttributesFilteringStage has been extended with a new recordingRemovals property, defaulting to false. If recordingRemovals is set to true, each removed entity attribute is recorded as a WarningStatus in the item's item metadata, indicating the name and value of the entity attribute removed. This can then be processed by subsequent stages, such as a StatusMetadataLoggingStage.

  • MDA-173: A new DiscoFeedCollectionSerializer can be used in conjunction with the existing SerializationStage to generate a JSON discovery feed compatible with the Shibboleth Embedded Discovery Service (EDS), as an alternative to the Shibboleth SP's ability to generate such a feed at its /DiscoFeed endpoint. A configuration example is available. The following properties may be set; all are false by default:

    • prettyPrinting creates more human-readable output using white space, this is the Shibboleth SP's default but is disabled by default for the DiscoFeedCollectionSerializer.

    • includingLegacyDisplayNames is equivalent to the SP's legacyOrgNames attribute.

    • includingEntityAttributes is equivalent to the SP's tagsInFeed attribute.

  • MDA-177: An entity attribute matcher AssuranceCertificationMatcher has been added to allow simpler matching of entity attributes containing assurance certifications, such as that used by the SIRTFI framework.

  • MDA-178: A Standard bean definition resource has been added to simplify access to each bean class in the aggregator-pipeline artifact. In XML configuration, this can be accessed by <import resource="classpath:net/shibboleth/metadata/beans.xml"/>. One abstract bean is defined for each available bean class, named after the class's simple name prefixed by "mda.". After including this resource, for example, class="net.shibboleth.metadata.dom.XMLSignatureValidationStage" can be replaced by parent="mda.XMLSignatureValidationStage"; this definition will also include the init-method and destroy-method properties for the bean when appropriate. This resource also implements MDA-277 to provide migration assistance from old releases of the MDA.

  • MDA-179: The simple command-line interface now includes a --version option to request the printing of the framework version number.

  • MDA-184: A new utility class RegexFileFilter has been added to support one of the common use cases of the DOMFilesystemSourceStage, where only certain files should be processed from a directory, based on their names.

  • MDA-187: A new IPHintValidationStage  has been added to allow validation of <mdui:IPHint> elements in SAML metadata. The checkingNetworks property (default true ) requires that the value represents a network and not a host, thus faulting values such as "".

  • MDA-193: To make using the Validator framework more straightforward, the new ValidatorSequence class abstracts the concept of  a sequence of Validators which can be maintained and applied as a group. Existing classes requiring this behaviour have been refactored to take advantage of ValidatorSequence.

  • MDA-199: A new X509ROCAValidator component allows RSA public keys in X.509 certificates to be checked for vulnerability to ROCA (the Return of Coppersmith's Attack, also known as CVE-2017-15361).

  • MDA-200: The BaseValidator abstract class has been extended to add an addErrorMessage method and a message property, which acts as a format string for ErrorStatus item metadata generated through addErrorMessage.

  • MDA-201: New AcceptAllValidator and RejectAllValidator components have been added. Both always return Action.DONE so that they can be used to terminate a sequence of validators. AcceptAllValidator has no other functionality; RejectAllValidator uses its message property to format an appropriate ErrorStatus for the Item on which validation is being performed.

  • MDA-202: Four new validator components (AcceptStringValueValidatorRejectStringValueValidatorAcceptStringRegexValidator and RejectStringRegexValidator) have been added to match String values. All four return Action.DONE if the match occurs and will therefore terminate a sequence of validators; Action.CONTINUE is returned otherwise. The Reject forms also add a formatted ErrorStatus on matching.

  • MDA-214: A new X509DSADetector component allows DSA keys in metadata to be rejected, or merely warned about.

  • MDA-229: A new StringElementValidationStage component allows the validation of the string contents of designated DOM elements. Use setElementNames (set the elementNames property) to specify collection of element names to validate. A second method (setElementName, or set the elementName property) provides a shortcut for the common single-element case.

  • MDA-231: A new StringAttributeValidationStage component allows the validation of the string contents of designated DOM attributes. Its API mirrors that of StringElementValidationStage with the addition of a setAttributeNames method (an attributeNames property) to specify a collection of attributes to validate on the selected elements. setAttributeName (an attributeName property) provides a shortcut for the common single-attribute case.

  • MDA-233: The Validator interface has been extended with a second validate method with an additional String valueContext parameter. This provides a way for a caller to provide context about the validation so that error messages can be more helpful: for example, a failed validation of a particular component in a URL can refer to the entire URL as well as the rejected component value. Both validate methods are provided with default bodies, so that existing Validator implementations work without change: new implementations must implement at least one of the methods, but this can be either one. Within the aggregator framework, this functionality has been retrofitted to many existing classes so that the valueContext is propagated through a validator hierarchy, and the new Validator<URL> classes make use of the value in reporting (see MDA-299 below).

  • MDA-234: A new ItemOrderingStage allows the collection of entities to be re-ordered according to a supplied ItemOrderingStrategy<T> (the default strategy does not change the ordering).

  • MDA-282: CompositeStage and SimplePipeline now support a boolean loggingProgress property which, if enabled, causes instances to log progress through the configured stages at the INFO level. Execution of each stage is surrounded by an indication of the number of items being processed as well as the elapsed time for processing, and a final composite elapsed time is logged at the end.
    This feature is enabled for all instances of CompositeStage and SimplePipeline regardless of their loggingProgress property if the system property net.shibboleth.metadata.loggingAllProgress is set to true. This is intended to allow an initial overall view of processing time before digging in to specific instances of CompositeStage later.

  • MDA-287: A new ScopeValidationStage component has been added to allow the checking of <shibmd:Scope> elements in SAML metadata. The stage accepts two lists of Validator<String>, one for scopes where regex="false" or absent, and another for scopes where regex="true". Additional validator components AsLiteralTailStringValidator, AsDomainNameStringValidator, RejectDomainNameNotUnderPublicSuffixValidator and RejectDomainNamePublicSuffixValidator have also been added to allow the construction of the kind of complex validator policy required in this area. An example of the kind of policy detail achievable with this mechanism (which has been used for some years in the InCommon federation and the UK federation) can be found in this test case.

  • MDA-288: A new DuplicateEntityInAggregateCheckingStage allows checking of SAML metadata aggregates to ensure that they do not include entities with duplicate entityID values.

  • MDA-289: A new FixedStringIdentifierGenerationStrategy had been added for use when it is not necessary to use different ID attribute values for different documents.

  • MDA-299: A new AsURLStringValidator allows validating string values (such as DOM attributes using StringAttributeValidationStage) as URLs. Additional validators may then be applied to the resulting URL: HTTPSOnlyURLValidator, EmptyPortURLValidator and MissingHostURLValidator are provided for common use cases.

  • MDA-301: The BaseAsValidator class now includes detail from an IllegalArgumentException resulting from a failed conversion in the resulting error message. The extended addErrorMessage method used to implement this is also available for use by other BaseValidator subclasses.
