Generate Discovery Feed

This command line configuration example:

  • Reads a file path/to/input/aggregate.xml containing a SAML metadata aggregate

  • Decomposes that aggregate into its constituent entity metadata documents

  • Filters out selected entities, as an example of arbitrary metadata manipulation

  • Generates an EDS-compatible JSON discovery feed in path/to/output/discofeed.json 

You can execute the example as follows:

$ .../ discofeed.xml main

The example configuration file is as follows; it has been verified with MDA version 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT as of 2023-10-23:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" default-lazy-init="true" xmlns:c="" xmlns:context="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:util="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <!-- Import the Standard bean definition resource. --> <!-- See --> <import resource="classpath:net/shibboleth/metadata/beans.xml"/> <!-- Default Shibboleth component bean id property from Spring bean id --> <bean parent="mda.IdentifiableBeanPostProcessor" lazy-init="false"/> <bean id="main" parent="mda.SimplePipeline"> <property name="stages"> <list> <!-- Acquire the metadata aggregate. --> <bean id="source" parent="mda.DOMFilesystemSourceStage"> <property name="parserPool"> <bean parent="mda.BasicParserPool"/> </property> <property name="source"> <bean class=""> <constructor-arg value="path/to/input/aggregate.xml"/> </bean> </property> </bean> <!-- Disassemble into individual entities. --> <bean id="disassemble" parent="mda.EntitiesDescriptorDisassemblerStage"/> <!-- Manipulate the entities being processed: for example, remove some. --> <bean id="removeEntities" parent="mda.EntityFilterStage"> <property name="designatedEntities"> <list> <value></value> <value></value> </list> </property> </bean> <!-- Serialise as a discovery feed into an output file. --> <bean id="serialize" parent="mda.SerializationStage"> <property name="serializer"> <bean id="discogen" parent="mda.DiscoFeedCollectionSerializer" p:prettyPrinting="true" p:includingLegacyDisplayNames="true"/> </property> <property name="outputFile"> <bean class=""> <constructor-arg value="path/to/output/discofeed.json"/> </bean> </property> </bean> </list> </property> </bean> </beans>