

XML-Security-C is the C++ XML Signature and Encryption library from the Apache Software Foundation. It is used for all XML Signature and Encryption processing in OpenSAML and Shibboleth.

Project Website: http://santuario.apache.org/cindex.html

Shibboleth 1.3.x generally supports any recent version of this library.

OpenSAML and Shibboleth 3.x require at least version 2.0, .


This package requires Xerces-C and OpenSSL, and can be built with or without Xalan-C, the Apache XSLT library. Shibboleth does not rely on that, so a typical non-Xalan command might be:

./configure --without-xalan --disable-static --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp

On Mac OS X, you may need to have the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH set to the location of the ICU libraries, or run (where LDFLAGS points to the location of the ICU libraries):

LDFLAGS='-L/opt/shibboleth-sp/lib' ./configure --without-xalan --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp


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