Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, 2023-11-03
Call Administrivia
09:00 Central US / 10:00 Eastern US / 14:00 UK / 16:00 FI
Calls are normally the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Next call would be Friday 2023-11-17. Any reason to deviate from this?
60 to 90 minute call window.
Call Details
This week's call will use the Zoom system at GU, see ZoomGU for access info.
Move mains up to 5.1?
Javadoc publication plans
Keep as part of release for consistent results?
Build afterward
Deploy or not deploy? With deploy-file? All or just aggregate? Do we care about them being in Nexus and available for Eclipse?
OSJ-392: OpenSAML's strict processing mode does not load ADFS metadataClosed
Have a provisional solution; not yet tested out.
Looking into options for (smoke) testing RPMs produced by cpp-linbuild
Following Scott’s lead on CSP in the RP and commons. Both should be done in branches.
Some follow-up to Scott’s null cleanup on oidc-commons
Thanks for all that work, plenty of null issues in commons sadly.
Work on WebAuthn authentication plugin
Basic structure in place for an admin flow for registration and an authentication flow for err. authenticating.
Operating inside the MFA flow.
Longer term can be the first and only factor, or 2nd-factor
Shorter term it allows authentication flow selection, useful for the admin flow when you first need to register a key — but ‘password’ fallback is pointless long term, so this is just for testing.
Battling with Yubico’s JavaScript libraries to convert JSON credential creation/authentication requests that come from the server into something compatible with the webauthn apis.
Releases for jetty x.0.17 (IdP, JettyBase 11.0.18, plus supporting jetty-base jars)
Enforcer releases
Moving towards closure (one way or another) on GEN-330: Build Windows installers in our standard flowClosed
SSPCPP-982: Investigate why my update failedOpen (installers are weird)
Incidental: upgraded OSU to V5 last week, no issues thus far
Starting on work estimates and budget planning
Ongoing work around javadoc, experimenting with TOTP corrected release
OSJ-393: Add CSP protection to OpenSAML messaging templatesClosed
Testbed classpath issues → BOMpocalypse
IDP-2195: Replace BOMs in idp-parent with inlined dependency mgmt.Closed
Propose we eliminate use of BOMs as they have a deliberately odd precedence that reverses the usual rule of “child overrides parent”.
IDP-2191: size limit for expression idp.authn.SPNEGO.matchExpressionClosed
Notable change to Spring we can’t override but I don’t think it’s a significant issue.
JSSH-41: Add nullable factory bean supportClosed
I hit some of this in OpenSAML without realizing that factory beans could actually return null.
IDP-2175: Revoking consent when proxying auth to other IDPResolved
having trouble unsetting cookies - should be much easier to debug now that the POMs have been changed