Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, 2023-09-15
Call Administrivia
09:00 Central US / 10:00 Eastern US / 15:00 UK / 17:00 FI
Calls are normally the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Next call would be Friday 2023-10-06. Any reason to deviate from this?
60 to 90 minute call window.
Call Details
This week's call will use the Zoom system at GU, see ZoomGU for access info.
Release post-mortem
Site contamination, obviously….
Javadoc link management
Still some POM cleanup is needed. Especially around new shib-libs being undeclared in OIDC plugins.
PS to look into what is triggering FATAL Javadoc errors
Reworking the javadoc production process
Scott will file some issues on reworking our approach, including ending site publication
Process going forward for dependency management on minor branches
Much discussion, not a lot of conclusions at this point
Rod will address the commons-compress issue by bumping the version in the parent and unlocking the IdP to use the parent
OSJ-388: Update RSASSA-PSS AlgorithmDescriptors when Santuario updates their methodologyClosed
Santuario supposedly has their fixes in for this. Promised to test on our side. Hopefully they will release before we need to do a 5.0.1.
Nothing to report.
Testing, documentation and POM-finetuning for the release
JOIDC-155: Support non-URI client_id values used as resource indicatorsClosed
Full decoder-rework would be a big task - especially if also message objects included
JOIDC-13: Support for OIDC LogoutClosed
Four specs: session management, front-channel, back-channel and RP initiated logout
Back-channel implemented by DAASI
Not sure about the session management feasibility - iframe communication via postMessage
Beta testing and release
Wix V4 https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/browse/IDP-2147
We (I) and in for a world of pain and we will need to make a call as to how much pain and whether it is spent on this problem or on contingencies,
No decision needed this week (but sometime soon)
Last minute cleanups and release