


Identified by type="Native", this RequestMapper integrates native web server content configuration features with the portable syntax supported by the XML request mapper to associate settings with requests.

This is generally the plugin type used in all cases. It is a hybrid that allows you to combine Apache commands (such as in .htaccess files) with the XML-based configuration feature (though for various reasons it's usually a bad idea to actually use the XML syntax in those cases). The native commands override any XML-based settings. For servers without native commands (IIS), this type is equivalent to the XML type.

The XML portion of this request mapper's configuration is implemented as a reloadable XML resource, which means that the XML content can be supplied inline, in a local file, or a remote file, and can be monitored for changes and reloaded on the fly. The root of the XML in any of those cases MUST be a <RequestMap> element, either as a child element in an existing file or the root of a different file.

Note that the actual settings that the RequestMapper supports aren't documented here because they don't show up in this element, but rather the <RequestMap> element and its various children. The native commands are documented under the relevant web server material, which is essentially just Apache.


The configuration of this plugin from the point of view of the SP is identical to the XML type, apart from the difference in the type attribute. The connection to the underlying web server's command handling is automatic.