

The SP software includes an implementation of the RequestMapper, a plugin interface that combines "native" configuration support specific to certain web servers with a portable mechanism that relies on an XML syntax for applying settings to content and works across all the supported platforms.

A more complete syntax reference to using this mechanism can be found in the RequestMap topic. This topic will outline how to use it, show some examples, and note some potential mistakes.

Apache Use

If you're using Apache, you should use the native ShibRequestSetting Apache command, as it's much safer, and more natural to use. If you want to use the XML syntax instead, you need to turn on the UseCanonicalName Apache option to avoid security holes. Without that option, the client can supply an arbitrary hostname that will be passed into the SP and used to map settings, which obviously subverts any rules you create.

General Structure

The XML-based syntax operates against the logical URL requested by the client, and not the physical path or file accessed. This is analagous to the difference between the Apache <Location> and <Directory>/<Files>distinction.

The mapper executes by breaking apart the requested URL into three parts: the hostpath, and query. The host portion consists of scheme://authority:port (everything before the slash that starts the path). The path is everything after the host portion up to, but not including, the first '?' character, if any. If a '?' separator exists, the query portion consists of all the decoded parameters found after that point.

Each portion is then matched against the elements inside the <RequestMap> in order to locate the "deepest" (most-specific) matching element, which is then used to derive the content settings to apply to the request.

The structure of the map, as with XML in general, is of a tree, with elements nested inside of other elements in a parent-child relationship. The mapping process walks this tree by evaluating each set of siblings and, when a match is found, descending into the matching element to evaluate its child elements, and so on. The information from the requested URL that matches is "consumed" each time the algorithm descends into a matching element, and only the remaning portion, if any, is available for further matching. Eventually, nothing is left to match against, no child elements remain, or none of them match. At that point, the process stops with the last matched element and it forms the bottom of the tree to use.

To see how this works in practice, consider this moderately complex example. No actual content settings are shown, as would be found in a real example, to emphasize the matching process.

<RequestMap> <!-- A --> <Host name="sp.example.org"> <!-- B --> <Path name="/"/> <!-- Do NOT do this, it will be ignored! --> <Path name="secure"/> <!-- C --> <Path name="admin"> <!-- D --> <Path name="secure"/> <!-- E --> </Path> <Path name="admin/badexample"/> <!-- Do NOT do this, it will be ignored! --> <Path name="combined/path"/> <!-- F --> </Host> <Host scheme="https" name="internal.example.org"/> <!-- G --> </RequestMap>

Assuming that the web server is appropriately configured, the table below shows which element (labelled in the XML comments above as A-G) each input URL will map to.

Request URL

Maps to...


Request URL

Maps to...







the scheme is http, not https.



the path portion doesn't match












the path portion doesn't match




General Tips

Note in the example above that none of the <Path> elements contain leading or trailing slash characters. Such characters will be stripped from the configuration and ignored, so they are insignificant.

Also note the element with a single slash labeled with a warning. An empty pathname will be ignored, and does NOT mean "anything on the parent host". Rather, the <Host> element is applied by default to any paths that don't match a child element. You don't need to specify an empty child path, in other words, to match an entire host.

However, it is allowable to include a slash inside a path expression in order to "shortcut" an expression intended to match only a subpath. This is shown in the example. It is equivalent to expand such an expression out into a set of nested <Path> elements representing the URL tree. Embedding the slash is just a shorthand.

Overlapping Siblings

Note the comment above warning about the "admin/badexample" element. This is the most common mistake made and is an example of "overlapping siblings". The bad element contains a pathname that overlaps in the URL tree with an earlier-declared sibling element (D). They are siblings in XML terms, elements with the same immediate parent element (B).

The implementation does not allow siblings to "overlap" in the URL tree, and it will ignore the overlapping element, producing unexpected results. The native log will warn about this during configuration parsing.

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