
The Shibboleth V2 IdP and SP software have reached End of Life and are no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only. See the IDP v4 and SP v3 wiki spaces for current documentation on the supported versions.


Define a New Attribute Filter

An attribute filter policy describes which attributes are sent to a service provider. The default attribute filter policy file is IdP_HOME/conf/attribute-filter.xml.

1. Define a Policy

An attribute filter policy is defined by the element <AttributeFilterPolicy> with the following attribute:

  • id - a unique identifier for this policy
Example Attribute Filter Policy Definition
<AttributeFilterPolicy id="releaseToAnyone">
    <!-- Policy Requirement Rule would go here -->

    <!-- Attribute Rules would go here -->

2. Define a Policy Requirement Rule

Each attribute filter policy must contain one and only one policy requirement rule. This rule determines if the given attribute filter policy is active for a given request. If the policy requirement rule evaluates to true than the policy is active; if it evaluates to false the policy is not active.

A policy requirement rule is defined with the element <PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="MATCHING_RULE_TYPE">. The matching rule type may be any matching rule type.

Example Attribute Filter Policy Definition with Policy Requirement
<AttributeFilterPolicy id="releaseToAnyone">
    <PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="basic:ANY" />

    <!-- Attribute Rules would go here -->

3. Define Attribute Rules

Each attribute filter policy contains zero or more attribute rules. If an attribute filter policy is active, then the set of attribute rules determines which attributes the policy affects.

An attribute rule is defined with the element <AttributeRule> with the following required attribute:

  • attributeID -attributeID - the case-sensitive ID, as assigned in the attribute resolver, of the attribute to which the rule applies
Example Attribute Filter Policy Definition with Attribute Rules
<AttributeFilterPolicy id="releaseToAnyone">
    <PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="basic:ANY" />

    <AttributeRule attributeID="transientId">
        <!-- Permit/Deny Rules go here -->

    <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonAffiliation">
        <!-- Permit/Deny Rules go here -->

4. Define Permit/Deny Value Rules

Each attribute rule contains one and only one value rule. A permit value rule specifies which attribute values are permitted to be released. A deny value rule specifies which attribute values are not permitted to be released. A value is released if and only if it has been permitted and has not been denied. That is, a deny always takes precedence over a permit.

A permit value rule is defined with the element <PermitValueRule xsi:type="MATCHING_RULE_TYPE">. The matching rule type may be any matching rule type.

A deny value rule is defined with the element <DenyValueRule xsi:type="MATCHING_RULE_TYPE">. The matching rule type may be any matching rule type.

Example Attribute Filter Policy Definition with Attribute Rules
<AttributeFilterPolicy id="releaseToAnyone">
    <PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="basic:ANY" />

    <AttributeRule attributeID="transientId">
        <PermitValueRule xsi:type="basic:ANY" />

    <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonAffiliation">
        <PermitValueRule xsi:type="basic:OR">
            <basic:Rule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueString" value="faculty" ignoreCase="true"/>
            <basic:Rule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueString" value="student" ignoreCase="true"/>
            <basic:Rule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueString" value="staff" ignoreCase="true"/>
            <basic:Rule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueString" value="alum" ignoreCase="true"/>
            <basic:Rule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueString" value="member" ignoreCase="true"/>
            <basic:Rule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueString" value="affiliate" ignoreCase="true"/>
            <basic:Rule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueString" value="employee" ignoreCase="true"/>
            <basic:Rule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueString" value="library-walk-in" ignoreCase="true"/>

Matching Rules

The following matching rules are supported in a standard Shibboleth IdP installation and usable as the type for <PolicyRequirementRule>, <PermitValueRule>, and <DenyValueRule> elements .

Loading Multiple Policy Group Files

Some installations may wish to define attribute filter policies in multiple files, for administrative and maintenance purposes. The IdP is capable of loading multiple policy files. To enable this, within the IDP_HOME/conf/service.xml file, locate the service AttributeFilterEngine. Add one additional <ConfigurationResource> element, with an appropriate resource type for each additional file you wish the IdP to load.

Each filter policy group must have a unique ID. If you create a copy of an existing filter file, as the seed for your new file, be sure to change the id attribute on the <AttributeFilterPolicyGroup> element.

Example Filter Configuration Loading Three Files
<Service id="shibboleth.AttributeFilterEngine"
    <ConfigurationResource file="/opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/attribute-filter.xml" xsi:type="resource:FilesystemResource" />
    <ConfigurationResource file="/opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/group-attribute-filter.xml" xsi:type="resource:FilesystemResource" />
    <ConfigurationResource file="/opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/user-attribute-filter.xml" xsi:type="resource:FilesystemResource" />


Additional examples are also available. These provide more complete examples and are contributed by users of the software.

Example 1

Releases the controlled values for eduPersonAffiliation to anyone.

Example 2

Releases email address to a specific service provider

Example 2

Denies the release of personal information if FERPA suppression is enabled.