Attribute Issuer in Entity Group Matching Rule
This matching rules evaluates to true if the attribute issuer's metadata is within a given entity group. An entity group is defined as any named <EntitiesDescriptor>
This filter requires that the metadata for the attribute issuer is loaded and available.
Define the Rule
This rule is defined by the element <PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="saml:AttributeIssuerInEntityGroup">
, for policy requirements rules, and <PermitValueRule xsi:type="saml:AttributeIssuerInEntityGroup">
, for permit value rules, with the following attributes:
- groupID - the entity group to match
Example Policy Requirement Rule using the AttributeIssuerInEntityGroup Match Function
<PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="saml:AttributeIssuerInEntityGroup" groupID="urn:example.org" />
, multiple selections available,