
The Shibboleth V2 IdP and SP software have reached End of Life and are no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only. See the IDP v4 and SP v3 wiki spaces for current documentation on the supported versions.


Common Discovery Service Errors

The following errors are commonly encountered by users, usually when initially setting up their DS.


This error is most usually caused by a malformed URL. This in turn is usually caused by an invalid specification of a file name in a <MetadataProvider> element.

Under windows, the correct format is file:\\\c:\dir\subdir\file.ext

Couldn't find endpoint URL in metadata

The IdP Discovery Specification requires that the return address that the SP sends to the Discovery Service be in the metadata. This is an example


Note that the Discovery service needs to have access to the metadata for the SP that it discovering for as well as the metadata for all the IdPs.

edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.wayf.plugins.provider.BindingFilter: badly formatted binding

This error is usually provoked by including metadata from SPs on which SSPCPP-167 has not been fixed. The failing metadata will contain a discovery response like this:


Rather than as specified in the previous section

This will cause the metadata for that SP to be supressed unless warnOnBadBinding is set to TRUE in the configuration.

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