Load Testing Contributed Results
This page aggregates load test results with the hope that sharing facilitates test practices and supports performance improvements in IdP software.
University of Chicago IdPv3.1.2 Test Results
Test Environment
IdP Configuration:
CentOS 7 VM, t2.medium (2 core, 4GB RAM)
Docker 1.6.2
JVM: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45)
Pooled LDAP for authentication handler and attribute resolver: 12 attributes
Servlet Container: Jetty 9.2.9.v20150224
Test client:
Single test node running JMeter 2.13 command line client on Windows 7 with 8G RAM and 2 CPUs.
Test client connected to IdP via network.
Test Plan
The shibboleth-unsolicited-sso-test.jmx test plan has two different test cases. The first test case issues an HTTP GET to the UChicago NotSilver SSO endpoint, which responds with a login form. The test then sends a POST to the login form to get a SAML2 response which is then sent as a POST to the IdP to complete the authentication and generate an encoded SAML assertion in the response. The second test case spawns threads that issue an HTTP GET to the unsolicited SSO endpoint, which responds with a login form. The test then sends a POST request with credentials to complete the authentication and generate an encoded SAML assertion in the response. These test cases were ran using a 15 minute run-time over a various amount of threads until the SP and the IdP were unable to handle any more threads.
Test Results
Unsolicited SAML Response
Thread Count | 1 | 5 | 10 | 25 | 50 | 75 |