

Various custom configuration elements support a common content model used to supply JSR-223 scripts inside other object configurations. Where applicable, the specific configuration elements that share this content model will include this material. These include the following documentation pages:

Namespace and Schema

Configuration elements that contain scripts are of type ScriptType, which is a type used across a number of namespaces. The specific namespace will depend on where the element shows up in your configuration.

The following sections describe the attributes and child elements of an element of type ScriptType.

Script Context

Each element of type ScriptType provides the relevant script context, that is, one or more input objects (in the general sense) to be utilized by the script. For specific details, consult the individual configuration element pages listed above.


The following example illustrates the use of a CDATA section

A script wrapped with a CDATA section
<Script> <![CDATA[ // script goes here ]]> </Script>

For additional examples of scripts, consult the individual configuration element pages listed above.

Scripting Language

The default scripting language is JavaScript (language=”javascript”). Therefore all of the sample scripts are written in JavaScript, which is based on the ECMAScript standard. As the IdP requires Java versions new enough that no scripting engines are provided, it is required to install one of the plugins provided by the project to supply either a Nashorn or Rhino engine to implement the default language (or in theory an entirely different implementation of a different language).

Still using Rhino?

Consult the Rhino Migration Guide for helpful advice if you’d like to move off of it.

Since Nashorn has largely superseded Rhino due to its earlier inclusion with Java 8, the sample scripts aim to conform to ECMAScript 5.1. In particular, the scripts avoid features introduced in ECMAScript 6 (also known as ECMAScript 2015) for compatibility.

ECMAScript 2015 is not supported

Language features introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (aka ECMAScript 6) are intentionally not used in the sample scripts for compatibility reasons. This includes let, const, and the so-called fat arrow function notation.

Many of the sample scripts are written in Strict Mode. Such a script will include an explicit “use strict” directive, which intentionally precludes the use of certain (error-prone) JavaScript features. Although Strict Mode was introduced in ECMAScript 5, the “use strict” directive is a harmless addition to any script. In particular, it has no effect (positive or negative) when used in scripts under Rhino. That said, you may disable Strict Mode at any time simply by removing (or commenting out) the “use strict” directive.


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