

Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, 2015-05-15

Call Administrivia

10:00 Central US / 11:00 Eastern US / 16:00 UK

Calls are normally the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Next call would be Friday 2015-06-05. Any reason to deviate from this?

60 to 90 minute call window.


Call Details

This week's call will use the Lync system at OSU. To participate, call:

  • +1 (614) 688-1800 (please use if possible)
  • +1 (800) 678-6114 (use only if you're charged for the 614 number)

The Conference ID is: 738127#

International participants should be able to access the 800 number without charge through Skype.


  1. Debrief from installation workship.
  2. IDP-722
    1. release to fix ? if so, when ? Not at this time.
    2. namesmithing, DelimiterAwareDeferPlaceholderFileSystemXmlWebApplicationContext -> ? DelimiterAwareApplicationContext 






Nothing to report. My kids have destroyed any hope of productivity the past month.





  1. IDP-615
  2. Customizing X509 external flow for institutional needs re assurance has provided some insights about "advanced" authn use cases.


Bug/RFI fixing - IdP and EDS



Added logging (and audit logging) documentation.

Looking into dynamically behaving authentication issues, hope to wrap up by next week.

Struggling to get spam filter working as well as the old server was, causing problems with contact list.


  • JPAR-69 : V2 stack ready to build with latest Maven and Java.
  • IDP-594 : Local storage. Wanted to write some test flows for the testbed ...
    • IDP-715 : Config lookup / layout
      • Would like to support idp.home as classpath*: for test flows
      • Some ideas on flow registration
        • A FlowRegistry hierarchy does not work for us, we need one registry, yet multiple base-paths ...
        • FlowRegistryWrapper ? Won't work for same reason as SWF's flow registry hierarchy.
        • Is it possible to ensure that a bean is loaded last ? Or at least before all other beans of a specified type ? Or does getBeanNamesForType() guarantee it ?
  • Jenkins : unknown hosts ? Add local services to /etc/hosts.





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