The <Handler> element is used to configure generic SP handlers that offer miscellaneous functionality that doesn't fall into the categories covered by other predefined elements.

Typically, if a handler implements a SSO protocol, issues SSO requests, deals with logout, or implements other capabilities baked into the SAML 2.0 specification, it will not use the generic element to configure itself.

Common Attributes

Metadata Generation Handler

Identified by type="MetadataGenerator", generates sample metadata based on the SP configuration and a set of built-in assumptions. Can be supplemented through the use of a template, and supports signing.

Support for signing may leave your system vulnerable to trivial DOS attacks. If this is a concern, consider protecting the generation handler with some kind of authentication or firewall.

The purpose of this handler is NOT to supply other systems with production metadata but rather to assist with testing, and generation of metadata examples useful in understanding how to produce actual metadata. Mature deployments will often require metadata content that goes beyond what the handler can generate, and directly coupling metadata to a configuration makes certain configuration changes more likely to cause service disruptions.


Version 2.2 and Above

Version 2.4 and Above

Child Elements

Version 2.4 and Above:

Runtime Parameters

Parameters are supplied using a standard query string appended to the request. They must be URL-encoded as usual.

Status Handler

Identified by type="Status", reports on the operational status of the SP software and some configuration options. The information is returned in the form of a simple XML document, suitable for processing with a style sheet.

Some of the information returned might be considered confidential by some deployers, so limiting access may be warranted. On Version 2.4 and above, the handler now includes some basic operating system and platform information, which could be used to aid an attacker.


Runtime Parameters

Parameters are supplied using a standard query string appended to the request. They must be URL-encoded as usual.

Session Handler

Identified by type="Session", reports on a specific user session to aid in debugging.

Much of the information returned might be considered confidential, so limiting access may be warranted, although in practice only a given user should have access to information associated with his own session.


Discovery Feed Handler (Version 2.4 and Above)

Identified by type="DiscoveryFeed", produces a combined JSON feed of IdP information from all <MetadataProvider> sources that support the feature.

While producing this information through the SP is not ideal from an efficiency point of view, doing
so helps ensure accurate information is supplied and addresses synchronization issues across the metadata sources as they internally refresh themselves. Deployers needing additional performance may choose to manually access the handler to produce a static file for delivery, updating it on some schedule.

You might also consider to set the option legacyOrgNames="true" on the MetadataProviders in order to show an Identity Provider's OrganizationDisplayName if no MDUI DisplayName is present. This option is transitional however and may be removed in future versions.



Attribute Checker Handler (Version 2.5 and Above)

Identified by type="AttributeChecker", validates a user's session against a list of required attributes (and optionally values) and either returns the user to complete the login process or displays an error template. The template is in the same form described by the NativeSPErrors topic, and also has access to the user's session, such that attributes in the session can be used via <shibmlp attrID /> tags.

This handler is designed to complement the sessionHook setting by leveraging the hook to check for required attributes.

The attributes to check for can be specified in one of two ways:

The latter option allows arbitrary checking of the session against boolean combinations of attributes and values. For example, instead of requiring that all of a set of attributes be present, an <OR> can be used.

<Handler type="AttributeChecker" Location="/AttrChecker" template="attrChecker.html"
    attributes="eppn displayName" flushSession="true"/>
<Handler type="AttributeChecker" Location="/AttrChecker" template="attrChecker.html"
        <Rule require="eppn"/>
        <Rule require="displayName"/>



One example approach how to use the Attribute Checker Handler to mitigate the case where an IdP released too few attributes to an SP is shown in the eduGAIN Wiki on the page How to configure Shibboleth SP attribute checker. Following the instructions there, a Shibboleth SP will show a helpful error message and provide the user with an easy way (2 clicks) to inform his IdP administrator regarding the attribute release problem. Also, the approach described on the wiki page makes use of a tracking cookie to log (locally or remotely) cases where users ended up on the error page.

External Authentication Handler (Version 2.5 and Above)

Identified by type="ExternalAuth", implements a loopback REST interface for creating user sessions based on external authentication logic. Complete documentation on use of the handler is available in the NativeSPBackDoor topic.

This handler SHOULD NOT be exposed to any untrusted network interfaces and addresses or you will create a security exposure in your system. It allows any trusted caller to create user sessions based on arbitrary submitted information.


Attribute Resolver Handler (Version 2.6 and Above)

Identified by type="AttributeResolver", implements a loopback query-based protocol to invoke the SP's AttributeResolver machinery in a manner similar to the resolvertest utility/example, and provides JSON-based output. In comparison to the resolvertest binary, this plugin is a lot faster because it does not have to load the whole configuration (including metadata download etc.) and it can be queried via a web request.

To use this plugin, the shared library must be loaded via the <OutOfProcess> element's <Library> element. Also the shared library must be loaded via the <InProcess> element's.

This handler SHOULD NOT be exposed to any untrusted network interfaces and addresses or you will potentially expose user information to an untrusted requester. There is no security implemented in addition to the acl (access control list) option on this interface and it is designed for local use only.

<!-- Add as first element within root element <SPConfig> of shibboleth2.xml -->
        <Library path="" fatal="true"/>

        <Library path="" fatal="true"/>


<!-- Add at end of <Sessions> element -->
<Handler type="AttributeResolver" Location="/AttributeResolver"
         acl=" ::1" />


The following parameters may be supplied either in fixed form inside the XML, or as query string parameters:

The resolution process behaves as though an assertion containing a subject identifier (e.g. a persistentID) was received from the entity identified by the various parameters, and then performs a call to the resolver equivalent to what would be performed if no attributes were initially received. Suitably manipulated, this makes it possible to generate arbitary attribute queries to systems for which metadata is available. One use case is to retrieve user attributes from a user's Identity Provider without the user's involvement, provided the SP has for example the users persistentID Name ID.

Once the AttributeResolver handler is configured, it can for example be queried (e.g. from localhost) with:
$ curl -k 'https://localhost/Shibboleth.sso/AttributeResolver?format=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent&

This will return a JSON data structure like:
    "displayName" : [

        "Lukas Hämmerle"
    "mail" : [

    "schacHomeOrganization" : [

    "persistent-id" : [

    "idp" : [



The output is currently limited to JSON, and is either dumped in a structure containing an array field named for each attribute, with each value serialized to its own own array slot, or is encoded in a way that combines multiple values into delimited strings identical to what would appear in server variables or headers. The latter is enabled by setting the encoding parameter to "JSON/CGI".