The <AttributeResolver> element configures a plugin responsible for obtaining additional identity attributes about the logged in user following a SSO event.

During SSO, the IdP can supply attributes in a "push" fashion inside the SAML assertions it issues. These attributes are decoded with an attribute extractor and cached with the user's session. The purpose of a resolver plugin is to "pull" attributes from additional sources or to transform existing attributes in some way.

Common Attributes

Query AttributeResolver

Indicated by type="Query", issues a SAML attribute query back to the IdP that issued a SSO assertion if no attributes are pushed. This is compatible with older Shibboleth behavior. Obviously, metadata for a compatible attribute authority must be available.

After execution, the resolver applies the attribute extractor and filter configured for the application before returning the resulting attributes.


Child Elements

SimpleAggregation AttributeResolver (Version 2.2 and Above)

Indicated by type="SimpleAggregation", supports a primitive form of aggregation of attributes from multiple sources of authority through the use of SAML 2.0 attribute queries using an identifier derived from the attributes obtained prior to this plugin executing.

This simple form of aggregation relies on a plain-text identifier (which could be pseudonymous but is still "seen" by the SP) as a "link" to accounts at other SAML attribute authorities. Furthermore, this plugin only supports the same forms of authentication usable when making primary attribute queries with the "Query" plugin type above. This includes mechanisms like client TLS, message signing, or some forms of HTTP authentication, but is not "presence-oriented"; that is, there is no proof supplied the user is "present" at the SP, so there are no constraints on when the SP could perform such queries.

Conceptually, you can think of this mechanism as equivalent to a networked set of LDAP or X.500 directories queried by DN, merely in SAML terms. It is, however, relatively easy to implement and support when there are batch processes in place for the exchange of identity data to establish the links. No user intervention is required, which is a plus for simplicity but a minus for privacy and user control.

After each query is performed, the resolver applies the attribute extractor and filter configured for the application before continuing with other queries and eventually returning the resulting attributes. Each filtering step will operate on only the attributes extracted as a result of a particular query, and the filter policies can be expressed in terms of the actual "issuer" of each set of attributes for fine-grained control.

<!-- Uses eduPersonPrincipalName from IdP to query, and asks for eduPersonEntitlement. -->
<AttributeResolver type="SimpleAggregation" attributeId="eppn" format="urn:oid:">
    <saml2:Attribute xmlns:saml2="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="urn:oid:" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri" FriendlyName="eduPersonEntitlement"/>


Child Elements

Note that the <Entity> and <EntityReference> elements can be supplied in any order, and are processed in the order they appear, with a query attempt per entityID obtained.

Version 2.5 and Above

Transform AttributeResolver (Version 2.5 and Above)

Indicated by type="Transform", applies one or more regular expressions to an input attribute, either replacing its values, or generating new attributes.

To use this plugin, the shared library must be loaded via the <OutOfProcess> element's <Library> element.

The transforms to apply are specified using <Regex> child elements. Each element specifies a transform rule to apply to each value of the designated input attribute(s).

A match attribute specifies a regular expression to match against the input value(s). It can contain parentheses to specify capturing groups. The content of the element is a replacement expression that can contain group placeholders to match the capturing groups (e.g., $1, $2, etc.). If the expression does not match, the value is passed through unchanged.

A dest attribute, if present, specifies the ID of a new attribute to create that will contain the transformed values. If not present, the transformed values replace the original attribute's values "in-place", if and only if the original attribute was a "simple" string-valued attribute. Other attribute types with more complex values cannot be transformed in-place.

Finally, the caseSensitive attribute specifies whether the containng <Regex> element's match expression is to be interpreted case-sensitively. It is a boolean that defaults to "true".

<AttributeResolver type="Transform" source="displayName">
    <Regex match="^(.+) (.+)$" dest="givenName">$1</Regex>
    <Regex match="^(.+) (.+)$" dest="sn">$2</Regex>
    <Regex match="^(.+) (.+)$">$2, $1</Regex>

Note that the example above is overly simplistic, and assumes the source values are in a particular format.


Child Elements

Template AttributeResolver (Version 2.5 and Above)

Indicated by type="Template", plugs values from one or more existing attributes into a template string that can combine the original attributes into a new attribute.

To use this plugin, the shared library must be loaded via the <OutOfProcess> element's <Library> element.

The template syntax consists of a string containing tokens of the form $id where "id" is the attribute ID whose value should be plugged into the string. The attributes to combine are specified in a sources XML attribute (see below). The new attribute is named with a dest XML attribute.

The first attribute object found with a particular ID is used, and all of the attributes supplied must contain the same number of values, or the plugin is not applied. It works best with simple combinations of single-valued attributes.

<AttributeResolver type="Template" sources="givenName sn" dest="displayName">
    <Template>$givenName $sn</Template>


Child Elements

UpperCase AttributeResolver (Version 2.5 and Above)

Indicated by type="UpperCase", converts the values of an attribute into upper case, either replacing its values, or generating a new attribute.

To use this plugin, the shared library must be loaded via the <OutOfProcess> element's <Library> element.


LowerCase AttributeResolver (Version 2.5 and Above)

Indicated by type="LowerCase", converts the values of an attribute into lower case, either replacing its values, or generating a new attribute.

To use this plugin, the shared library must be loaded via the <OutOfProcess> element's <Library> element.


Chaining AttributeResolver

Indicated by type="Chaining", executes multiple resolvers in sequence. Each resolver can see and use the output of the previous.

With V2.4 and above, this is implied by any configuration with multiple <AttributeResolver> elements, so is no longer explicitly needed.

Child Elements