Linux installations can be either built from source or installed using RPMs for various platforms. Most of the prerequisites have corresponding RPMs hosted there as well.

The following versions of required software are known to work with the RPMs and source. In general, source builds should also work against all recent versions of the operating systems and software dependencies listed below. For specific questions, inquire or search the support mailing list, or give it a try. OpenSSL releases frequent security updates; the version listed may not be the most current, but most minor "letter" updates should be usable.

1. Prepare the Environment:

Many other required pieces of software will be requested by the RPM or needed to build the module.

Distribution-Specific Notes:

2. Install Shibboleth:

It is recommended that Shibboleth be installed from the RPMs supplied on the Internet2 site when possible. Follow the dependency chain from the main RPM to complete an installation (see, for example, the GridShib.SPOnRedHatFedoraCore4 installation notes). Brusten Philip & Van der Velpen Jan from K.U.Leuven have contributed binaries for Debian as well as documentation on building the RPMs from source. If you wish to build the module yourself, follow the build instructions.

3. Configure Shibboleth:

Once installation is successful, basic configuration of Apache must be performed. Default installation locations for the RPMs are used, which differ from those that may be used in a compiled installation, e.g. /opt/shibboleth-sp/ .

  1. Edit httpd.conf :
  2. #* The UseCanonicalName directive should be set to On . On some Apache builds including the RedHat distribution, this defaults to Off which will cause problems in resource mapping.
  3. /usr/sbin/shibd must be independently started and run in order to handle access requests. In most cases, the build process ensures that shibd can locate the configuration file and schemas, but the SHIBCONFIG and SHIBSCHEMAS environment variables may be used as well. Command line options can also be used to specify them.
  4. By default, the Shibboleth module is configured to log information on behalf of Apache to /var/log/httpd/native.log , though this can be changed by modifying the .logger files pointed to by the configuration. For this log to be created, Apache must have permission to write to this file, which may require that the file be manually created and permissions assigned to whatever user Apache is configured to run under. If the file does not appear when Apache runs with the modules loaded, check for permission problems or change the location used.
  5. shibd creates its own separate logs at /var/log/shibboleth/shibd.log and must have appropriate write permissions itself as well.

At this point, you should have a fully functional SP, but before it can be tested, you'll need to configure it to interoperate with an !IdP. Many federations will provide these for their community, and TestShib is available for anyone to test with.