Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3
  • The SSO-CAS Login Handler allows ti to delegate authentication to a CAS server. It is different from the RemoteUser login handler in that it supports force authentication.
  • This guide assumes you have a running IdP, and that it has already been configured to use CAS. You can do it by following this :
  • To instruct your resources to use force authentication, see NativeSPSessionInitiator.
  • The SSO-CAS Login Handler is compatible with any 2.X IdP, 3.X CAS client and 3.X CAS server.

Download and installation


This will create the latest ssocas-login-handler-x.x.jar in the your ssocas-login-handler/target/ directory.



Code Block
cp ssocas-login-handler-0.1.jar $IDP_INSTALL_DIR/lib



could then


re-install the IdP, but it's no use doing it right now since the following configuration modifications will also require a re-installation.


Web applications



You might be interested in maintaining your own web.xml configuration file in the IdP configuration directory. See Advanced Installation Topics there: IdPInstall

  • Modify the CAS client filters settings in $IDP_INSTALL_DIR/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml (do not forget to modify the filter-mappings that were already defined):

    Code Block
        <!-- CAS Authentication Filter -->
    	 <filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter</filter-name>
    	<!-- CAS Validation Filter --> 
    	 <filter-name>CAS Validation Filter</filter-name> 
    	<!-- CAS Authentication Filter - forceAuthn  -->
    	 <filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter - forceAuthn</filter-name> 
    	<!-- CAS Validation Filter - forceAuthn -->
    	 <filter-name>CAS Validation Filter - forceAuthn</filter-name> 
    	<!-- CAS HttpServletRequest Wrapper Filter --> 
    	 <filter-name>CAS HttpServletRequest Wrapper Filter</filter-name> 
    	<!-- CAS Assertion Thread Local Filter --> 
    	 <filter-name>CAS Assertion Thread Local Filter</filter-name> 
    	<!-- CAS Filters Mappings -->
    	 <filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter</filter-name> 
    	 <filter-name>CAS Validation Filter</filter-name> 
    	 <filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter - forceAuthn</filter-name> 
    	 <filter-name>CAS Validation Filter - forceAuthn</filter-name> 
    	 <filter-name>CAS HttpServletRequest Wrapper Filter</filter-name>  
    	 <filter-name>CAS Assertion Thread Local Filter</filter-name>
  • Modify the remote user servlet mapping (still in this web.xml):

    Code Block



  • Define the following namespace and schema in ProfileHandlerGroup :

    Code Block
        <ph:ProfileHandlerGroup xmlns:ph="urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:idp:profile-handler"
    			    xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:idp:profile-handler classpath:/schema/shibboleth-2.0-idp-profile-handler.xsd
      									fr:renater:ssocashandler classpath:/schema/ssocasloginhandler.xsd">


  • Define the handler itself:

    Code Block
        <ph:LoginHandler xsi:type="sclh:CentralAuthnService" casFiltersPath="/Authn/Cas">




You should also comment or delete the RemoteUser login handler definition, since the IdP will not use it anymore



Optionally ,if you want your new login handler to log, you have to add the following lines in $IDP_CONFIG_DIR/logging.xml (setting level to ERROR or DEBUG):

Code Block
<!-- Logs from SSO-CAS Login Handler -->
<logger name="fr.renater.ssocashandler" level="DEBUG"/>

You will get the logs produced by the handler in the usual idp-process.log.


You can now re-install the IdP :
