Download and installation



You can either directly download the .JAR archive from or get the source code using subversion :

svn export ssocas-login-handler
cd ssocas-login-handler
mvn package

This will create the latest ssocas-login-handler-x.x.jar in your ssocas-login-handler/target/ directory.


The first step is to add the JAR (downloaded or obtained through the source code) into the library of your IdP's installation directory :

cp ssocas-login-handler-0.1.jar $IDP_INSTALL_DIR/lib

You could then re-install the IdP, but it's no use doing it right now since the following configuration modifications will also require a re-installation.


Web applications

You might be interested in maintaining your own web.xml configuration file in the IdP configuration directory. See Advanced Installation Topics there: IdPInstall


Define the CentralAuthnService login handler in $IDP_CONFIG_DIR/handler.xml :



You should also comment or delete the RemoteUser login handler definition, since the IdP will not use it anymore. 



Optionally ,if you want your new login handler to log, you have to add the following lines in $IDP_CONFIG_DIR/logging.xml (setting level to ERROR or DEBUG):

<!-- Logs from SSO-CAS Login Handler -->
<logger name="fr.renater.ssocashandler" level="DEBUG"/>

You will get the logs produced by the handler in the usual idp-process.log.


You can now re-install the IdP :


and restart your container to end the installation of the login handler.