Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • in the web application, Manage Jenkins | Prepare for shutdown.  This will tell Jenkins to stop executing new jobs, so that it will become safe to shut it down once any running at present have completed.  You will start seeing a red banner saying "Jenkins is going to shut down" on every page.

  • Go to Manage JenkinsManage Plugins

  • Review the web pages for each plugin to see what has changed

  • select the plugins you want to update and select "Download now and install after restart".

Snapshot Signing

Signing of snapshots involves the copying in of a GPG “secret” keyring file and the password to decrypt it. At the moment, this key has been set to expire annually so has to be extended and reimported into Jenkins when it expires.

The commands to do this require importing the current key into the “new” format used by GPG, then exporting it back into the old format for Jenkins to use because the Maven support requires this.

As jenins on the server:

Code Block
cd ~jenkins
mkdir temp
chmod 700 temp
cp secring.gpg temp
cd temp
gpg --homedir . -K
(migrates, then shows the expired key)
gpg --homedir . --pinentry-mode=loopback --edit-key 0xE07C0FEA698F7D71
key 1
gpg --homedir . --export-secret-keys --pinentry-mode=loopback \
  --output newsecring.gpg

At that point the new file can be used to replace the old one in Jenkins and staged in ~jenkins for future extension.

Once that’s done, the updated key should be exported and the file in ~shibwww/html/downloads/SHIBBOLETH_SNAPSHOT_PGP_KEYS updated.