The Shibboleth project runs a private instance of the Jenkins continuous integration server. Previously, this server provided unauthenticated read-only access to anyone with an interest in the project, however, access has been restricted to project committers due to frequent advisories and updates.

The Jenkins server runs three main classes of job:

In most cases, each project will be associated with one job of each of these three types.

Job Configuration Guidelines

When creating a new Jenkins job, you should follow the guidelines below for each type of job.

Commit Rebuild Job Configuration

Commit rebuild jobs are intended to provide immediate feedback to the developers when a commit is made to the source repository, so that immediate action can be taken if problems have been introduced. Commit rebuild jobs no longer perform much in the way of reporting (other than a go/no-go and test result summary); for detailed reporting, look to the nightly jobs.

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Note that the commit rebuild jobs take advantage of the Jenkins Maven plugin's ability to compute relationships between jobs and trigger "downstream" jobs when an "upstream" job completes.  For example, a commit to the java-parent-v3 project will ultimately cause all of the V3 Jenkins jobs to be run. The dependency graph should be checked from time to time to make sure that jobs aren't being missed out due to dependency issues.

Multi-JDK Job Configuration

Multi-JDK jobs are intended to provide a more in-depth verification of the current state of a source repository by building and testing in different Java environments.  Because these jobs are much more expensive to run, and relatively rarely pick up problems that the corresponding commit rebuild job does not, multi-jdk jobs are run much less frequently.

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Nightly Job Configuration

Nightly jobs are run once per day.  Their principal functions are:

Nightly jobs are configured as follows:

The V7 nightly job group executes in the following order, with indentation indicating branching from the main chain:

The V8 nightly group executes in the following order:

Jenkins System Configuration Notes

Jenkins is configured to use only one "executor" in our deployment; the default shipped with Jenkins is to use two.

Upgrading Jenkins

Jenkins and its plugins are updated fairly regularly, but it's probably only worth paying attention if there's something we need, or a known security issue.  Ian intends to do an update sweep every couple of months.  Another reason to do an update sweep is that a new plugin to be installed requires a later version of the core of Jenkins than the one we're running.

Always update the core of Jenkins before updating plugins.  If you go to the plugin administration page first, you will quite often find that the latest updates to modules require the latest version of the Jenkins core, and disclaim behaviour on an older version.

To update the core of Jenkins:

To stop or start Jenkins :

Once this has restarted, check that things are basically functional before proceeding to update the plugins.

Now update the plugins: