Prepare your Servlet container. Linux deployers may want to take a look at the old IdPLinuxNonRoot topic, which documents one way of using privileged ports. Some containers, such as Jetty, include alternatives. The links below are to (imperfect) examples provided by the project or by deployers. The list below is not reflective of the specific containers and versions we support, which is explicitly and only available on the SystemRequirements page.
Download the latest Identity Provider software package (the zip file has Windows line endings, the tarball Unix line endings).
Unpack the archive you downloaded to a convenient location. It will not be needed after installation.
Change into the newly created distribution directory, shibboleth-identityprovider-VERSION.
Run either bin/install.sh (on non-Windows systems) or bin\install.bat (on Windows systems).
The installation directory you provide will be referred to asĀ
throughout this documentation.The installation directory cannot be the source directory.
Deploy the IdP WAR file, located in war/idp.war. See the Servlet container preparation notes for examples on how to do this.