The relational database connector allows you to pull attributes from data stores that can be access through a Java JDBC driver (which is nearly all relational databases). This connector pools JDBC connections in order to enchance performance. See the advanced configuration section in order to disable this.%INCLUDE{"DataConnectorBasics"}%
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Configuring the Connector
- Create a JDBCDataConnector element, provide it an id, and the follow attributes:
- dbURL - the JDBC url for your database including the userid and password used to connect to the database
- dbDriver - the full qualifed class name of the JDBC driver to use (must be on your classpath)
- Create a Query child element whose content is the SQL query used to fetch the attributes. You may use a single question mark in place of a parameter value in order to indicate that the principal's name should be used.
Advanced Configurations
The JDBCDataConnector element also supports the following attributes:
- In the Query element use question marks to indicate where attributes values are needed
- Create a StatementCreator element, as a child of JDBCDataConnector, with a class attribute of
- For each value in the query create a Parameter element, as a child of StatementCreator with the following attributes:
- type - The SQL object type of the attribute to be used, acceptable values are: String, Integer, Byte, Double, Float, Long, Short, Boolean, Date, Blob, Clob
- attribtueName - The name of the attribute whsoe value will be used
- nullMissing - Indicates whether the value null should be used if the attribute value is null, acceptable values are: true, false
- connectorID - The ID of the connector the attribute value may be retrieved from
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<JDBCDataConnector id="db2" dbURL="jdbc:postgresql://test.example.edu/test?user=postgres&password=test" dbDriver="org.postgresql.Driver" maxActive="10" maxIdle="5"> <DataConnectorDependency requires="echo"/> <AttributeDependency requires="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonEntitlement"/> <Query>select date from foo where principalName = ? and entitlement = ?</Query> <StatementCreator class="edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.aa.attrresolv.provider.DependencyStatementCreator"> <Parameter type="String" attributeName="eduPersonPrincipalName" connectorId="echo" nullMissing="false" /> <Parameter type="String" attributeName="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonEntitlement" nullMissing="false" /> </StatementCreator> </JDBCDataConnector> |
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