Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, 2021-02-05
Call Administrivia
09:00 Central US / 10:00 Eastern US / 15:00 UK / 17:00 FI
Calls are normally the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Next call would be Friday 2021-02-19. Any reason to deviate from this?
60 to 90 minute call window.
This week's call will use the Zoom system at GU, see ZoomGU for access info.
- AWS permissions
- New Duo plugin release for testing?
- 4.1 schedule
- when do we need all the JDKs and AMIs in CI ? (Tom)
- when do we freeze Jetty ? (Tom)
OSJ-75Getting issue details...
- This turned out to be very easy
OSJ-118Getting issue details...
- Done, although still chewing over whether should by default support ~30 legacy curves that SunEC currently supports, but which are deprecated and require a system prop in Java 15+. Leaning towards yes.
OSJ-82Getting issue details...
- Not quite done on this yet, sidetracked on other things. All that remains is EncryptionParametersResolver.
OSJ-328Getting issue details...
- Pretty sure Scott is right about race condition. Actually more worried about the related conditions in LazyList, etc.
JOIDC-17Getting issue details...
- All done: Java, XML-namespaces and profile identifiers
JOIDC-22Getting issue details...
- oauth2-oidc-sdk from 7.1.1 to 8.33 to 9.0
- nimbus-jose-jwt from 8.8 to 9.4.1
- - JOIDC-19Getting issue details... STATUS
JOIDC-11Getting issue details...
- Do we want to support OAuth2 flows not involving end-users?
- Had a meeting with a member using Shibboleth as IdP and OP, together with an OAuth2 AS
- Testing plan
- Make pre-releases of oidc-common and OP
- Install them via plugin installer (via remote endpoint)
- Start running OIDC certification tests against the instance
- Took another pass at producing a Docker image for SLES. Got further than the first try, but mainly succeeded in discovering subsequent problems to solve.
- Began adding support for Amazon Linux.
- Various oidc-common and Duo plugin changes
- - JCOMOIDC-9Getting issue details... STATUS - surfaced oidc-common as a plugin and single module. Created a BOM for import.
- - JCOMOIDC-10Getting issue details... STATUS - bumped oidc-common to the very latest Nimbus libs. Henri completed that work on the OP.
- - JDUO-28Getting issue details... STATUS Move JWT claims validation to a new framework in oidc-common
- - JDUO-29Getting issue details... STATUS - delegated signature validation functions to oidc-common
- Asked for help testing the Duo plugin on the Jisc-Shib list - no response yet.
Working through JIRA
Also working through JIRA
- OSJ-328Getting issue details... STATUS
Plugin docs, cleanup
- automation
- trying to work through task backlog by scripting
- takes longer now, hopefully pays off later
- for example :
- linux : shell script to install Java, OpenJDK, and Coretto of various versions
- don't really want to commit scripts to parent because that triggers a stack rebuild
- windows : PoC running commands on Windows via a Jenkins Pipeline
Example :
- would like to try the Windows Installer from the command line
- need the command line with all the args
(RDW) This should do it (I don't want to document this since it then becomes API):
- working with AWS CLI to start / stop instances and create images
- should be possible to automate AMI updates via a Pipeline
- seems easy enough to run Jenkins locally for testing / development of test themselves
- only takes a few minutes to add and set up the Amazon EC2 Plugin
- linux : shell script to install Java, OpenJDK, and Coretto of various versions
- trying to work through task backlog by scripting
- backlog :
- consent tests
- update AMIs (CentOS, RHEL, and Windows)
- kernel update
- document how to change your password
- troubleshoot Henri's Nexus access permissions
- experiment with --Dsurefire.useFile=false in CI to log errors to console
- Not real happy about IDP-1660, the consent sort-before-hash issue, dropped the ball on that one