Current File(s): conf/c14n/
Format: Properties, Native Spring
The c14n/simple post-login subject canonicalization flow does a routine extraction of a UsernamePrincipal from the Java Subject and returns it as the canonincal principal name for the subject. It also supports some optional transforms to apply to the name.
This flow will succeed if and only if the input Java Subject contains exactly one UsernamePrincipal in its collection of Principals.
General Configuration
Use conf/c14n/ to configure this flow.
If your system is upgraded, you may continue to use conf/c14n/simple-subject-c14n-config.xml as before, or you may remove it, while ensuring the new properties are being loaded.
The regular expression replacement feature is the only one remaining that still requires XML and you may define that bean, if needed, in conf/c14n/subject-c14n.xml
By default, the only transform applied is a trim of leading or trailing whitespace. Case-folding and regular expression replacements can be added, per the reference section below.