Building an RPM

This software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only.

Building an RPM

Although the RPM packaging system is not a supported option for xmlsectool, it is possible to build an RPM using a script and patch file contributed by Peter Schober.

This procedure has been tested on CentOS 7 only.

To build the RPM, first install the rpm-build package on your CentOS system.

The rest of the procedure can (and should) be performed as a normal, non-privileged user.

Create a file ~/.rpmmacros along the following lines:

%_topdir        /home/iay/rpm
%packager       Ian Young <ian@iay.org.uk>

Create the build environment inside your user directory as follows:

$ mkdir -p ~/rpm/{BUILD,RPMS/noarch,SOURCES,SPECS}

In the SPECS directory, place a copy of the xmlsectool.spec file found in the doc directory of the distribution.

In the SOURCES directory, place a copy of the distribution .zip file, and a copy of the xmlsectool.patch file found in the doc directory of the distribution.

Now build the RPM:

$ cd ~/rpm/SPECS
$ rpmbuild -bb xmlsectool.spec

The RPM file can now be found in the ~/rpm/RPMS/noarch directory.