
The Shibboleth V1 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only.


Testing Attribute Resolution

A command-line tool called resolvertest can be used to test policy-free attribute resolution for a given deployment. The tool can be found in the IDP_HOME/bin directory after installing the !IdP. Prior to executing this application be sure the IDP_HOME environment variable points to your !IdP installation.

Running the Test

To test the attribute resolution configuration in resolver.xml, execute the resolvertest application with the following parameters:

$ --user=USER_NAME: the name of the user whose attributes you wish to retrieve
$ *--resolverxml=file://FILE*: the full path of the resolver configuration file you wish to test as a file URL
$ --responder {{IDP_ID: the =entityID}} of the !IdP to use in the test



$ export IDP_HOME=/usr/local/shibboleth-idp
$ $IDP_HOME/bin/resolvertest --help
$ $IDP_HOME/bin/resolvertest --user=gridshib \
		--responder=https://idp.example.org/shibboleth \


> set IDP_HOME=c:\usr\local\shibboleth-idp
> %IDP_HOME%\bin\resolvertest --help
> %IDP_HOME%\bin\resolvertest --user=gridshib

If the test fails, try adding the --debug option to the command-line invocation.