The Shibboleth V1 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only.
This page is a duplicate of ConfigurationHowTos
These sections provide descriptions of how to perform specific tasks sectioned off by SP, !IdP, interoperability, and others.
Get an !IdP to...
- AddSP: Communicate with a new SP
- NewIdPAttribute: Add support for and release of a new attribute to the !IdP
- InteropWithOnedotOne: How to handle a 1.1 SP from a newer !IdP
Get an SP to...
- AddIdP: Communicate with a new !IdP
- SPNoSSL: Deploy on Apache without use of SSL for use with F5 Load Balancers
- NewSPAttribute: Add support for and acceptance of a new attribute for the SP
- LazySessions: Take advantage of everything lazy sessions can do for the user experience
- InteropWithOnedotOne: How to handle a 1.1 !IdP from a newer SP
Get providers communicating in a...
- LocalFederation: Establish a local federation, with some examples of metadata use and policy documentation
- BilateralDeployment: Establish a trust relationship between a single !IdP and SP
- EAuthenticationDeployment: Shibboleth 1.3 includes a certified eAuthentication compliant protocol handler
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