The Shibboleth V1 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only.
Attendees (lunch included)
- Main.ScottCantor
- Main.ChadLaJoie
- Main.WalterHoehn
- Main.NateKlingenstein (with seconds)
- Main.WilliamNorris
- Main.BrentPutman (vegetarian)
- Jim Fox - University of Washington
- Main.VonWelch - NCSA (arrive Fri, Sep 1 @ 7:30pm)
- Main.TomScavo - NCSA (ditto)
- Main.RonnieYu
Attendees (lunch not included)
- Matthew Ambs - Department of Homeland Security
- Main.RodWiddowson (sitting inside Chad's laptop for the first part of friday)
, multiple selections available,