The Shibboleth V1 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only.
Configuring a SAML 2 Persistent ID Attribute Definition
This plugin provides a very basic implementation of SAML 2.0 persistent identifiers. It creates these by hashing the user's principal ID, service provider ID, and a salt. This provides an opaque identifier, unique to each principal/service provider tuple.
Attribute Definition Basics
All attribute definitions are configured in the IdP's resolver.xml
Basic Attributes
Each attribute definition supports the following basic XML attributes in their definition:
- id - (required) used by the definition to determine its source, or input, attribute and by other definitions and data connectors to refer to this definition
- sourceName - (optional) used to explicitly specify the name of the source, or input, attribute used by the definition
Source Attributes
Most attribute definitions transform other attributes. A definition will determine the name of its source attribute in the following way:
- If sourceName is present use an attribute whose name exactly matches the given source name
- Use an attribute whose name exactly matches the definitions id
- Use an attribute whose name exactly matches the last token of the definitions id split on / or :
Configuring the Definition
- Create a SAML2PersistentID element with its id attribute and the following attribute:
- sourceName - the name of the attribute
- Create a Salt element, child of SAML2PersistentID, whose content is a 16 or more character secret. You may wish to place this data in a CDATA section to ensure this string does not interfere with the XML processing.
Example Configuration
<SAML2PersistentID id="urn:oid:" sourceName="guid"> <DataConnectorDependency requires="directory"/> <Salt><![CDATA[f83(k4K*397ke.2d9vD8214+-]]></Salt> </SAML2PersistentID>
Advanced Configuration
You may also use an existing secret key, stored in a Java keystore, as the salt. To do this remove the content of the Salt element and add the following attributes:
- keyStorePath - the full path to the java keystore file
- keyStorePassword - the password of the key store
- keyStoreKeyAlias - the alias/name of the secret key in the key store
- keyStoreKeyPassword - the password used to decrypt the secret key