The Shibboleth V1 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only.
Quick Guide to the Ant Build Process
Invocable Targets
The following targets are stand alone and can be invoked via ant targetName:
- clean - This cleans out all the items that have been generated by past builds
- compile - This target will compile all of the Shibboleth IdP code, code for any extensions in the custom directory, and run the unit tests for extension code. This is a very quick way to test that your extensions compile and test okay.
- install - This is the default target and will install the IdP
- package-idp - This target will compile the IdP and its extensions and package everything up in a war file and place it in the dist directory
- package-sp - Compiles the SP, its extensions, and creates a war file located in the dist directory
- package-wayf - Compiles the example WAYF, its extensions, and creates a war file located in the dist directory